Heartburn is a burning sensation in the esophagus thataccompanied by a belch, bitter or sour taste in the mouth. Most people are slow to treat this problem with a doctor, but eliminating it can significantly improve a person's health.

About why heartburn occurs and how to deal with it, read on.

Causes of heartburn

The only reason why heartburn occurs is the ingestion of gastric juice from the stomach into the esophagus. And this problem can already arise due to a variety of circumstances.

  • When a person suffers from increased acidity of the stomach. In this case, the burning sensation appears often, that is, it has a chronic character.
  • When a person has peptic ulcer. It is often accompanied by high acidity, and she, accordingly, gives heartburn.
  • Very often heartburn may appear after eating. For example, if you ate a lot of fatty, smoked or salty foods, semi-finished products, products with a serious amount of "synthetic" substances (dyes, fragrances, preservatives, etc.). Usually heartburn appears after the holidays, accompanied by large feasts.
  • After lifting weights. Heartburn occurs because abdominal pressure rises sharply and a portion of the gastric juice is expelled into the esophagus.
  • After a long physical work, the "lazy stomach" effect occurs, when muscle tone decreases. Without experiencing obstacles, part of the contents of the stomach also enters the esophagus, causing burning.
  • Why is heartburn often in pregnant women? Here, firstly, toxicosis plays a role - frequent vomiting causes a feeling of discomfort, irritation in the esophagus. And secondly, the growing uterus contributes to increased pressure in the peritoneum, which, as we already know, is accompanied by the ejection of juice into the esophagus.

If heartburn occurs rarely, does not haveprolonged nature, does not increase with the passage of time, then, most likely, there is no cause for concern. If heartburn becomes a characteristic phenomenon for your body, if you feel a burning sensation often and regularly, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

What if I have heartburn?

  • Refuse products provoking it: fried, fatty, smoked, pickles and marinades, coffee, strong tea, rich broths, black bread, tomatoes, pineapples, citrus, carbonated drinks and drinks with mint. Include in the diet more lean protein products.
  • Pregnant with heartburn attacks it is better to sleep ontwo pillows - this will prevent the ingestion of stomach contents into the esophagus. Also, if heartburn occurs at night, it's best to get up, walk around the room, drink a glass of water.
  • After a feast, you can take a drug thatreduces acidity. It can be, for example, "Gastal", "Renny" or any other similar means. If the heartburn always torments, then the treatment should appoint a gastroenterologist. Otherwise, you not only will not remove the unpleasant symptoms, but also easily strengthen it.

We also offer you our other article on this topic - How to treat heartburn.

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