People often face such a problem assat down voice. It is known that the voice can sit down for various reasons, for example, because of flu, cold, and also with prolonged exertion of vocal cords. In addition, the common cause of loss of voice is the use of too cold drinks. In this article, we'll talk about how to get your voice back.

When the ligaments are overloaded

  • If the voice is lost due to overexertion,it is first of all necessary to give peace to the vocal cords. Try to talk as little as possible. In addition, any warming compress will not hurt. It is recommended to give up cold, salty and smoked food: it irritates the mucous. Also, do not eat too many sweets, as they also cause a sore throat, which can aggravate the condition of your vocal cords.
  • Quickly return the voice in case of overstraining of ligaments also blackberry mors. The same effect is given by the crimson fruit.
  • Another way is to consume milk, in which you need to dissolve one egg yolk of a chicken egg. Enough 100 grams of this drink 3 times a day.

With colds

  • If you lose your voice for cold or flu, then it is recommended to drink a glass of warm milk, it should help soften the ligaments.
  • Also need to do a compress. To do this, take a cellophane bag, put gauze on it, soaked in vodka, and apply a compress to your throat. Wrap your throat with a warm scarf. This compress should be kept for half an hour.
  • Do the inhalations with essential oils of eucalyptus, broths of sage, calendula.
  • If you can drink alcohol, then goodto use cognac. Take 50 grams of cognac and heat it in a water bath. Then add a few drops of lemon and 3 teaspoons of honey. It is advisable to drink this setting in small sips.
  • You can also use another recipe that includes the use of alcohol. It is necessary to make tea, squeeze half a lemon, add a teaspoon of honey and two spoons of cognac.

Once your voice is restored, it is recommended thatgo to respiratory gymnastics. It is enough to do a few deep breaths per minute for 10 minutes. Repeat this exercise should be 5 times a day. This will help maintain your vocal cords in working order.

There is also a good way to restorevoices with the help of traditional medicine. You can use half a tablet of Validol, which should be placed under the tongue and dissolve. This method is often used by opera singers.

All of the above methods can indeedhelp you restore your voice. However, one should not forget that prolonged loss of voice is an occasion to consult a doctor. It is possible that a lost voice is only a symptom of a serious illness. Only a qualified ENT can help to establish this fact. In addition, if you often lose your voice, this is again an occasion to visit a doctor. Loss of voice can be evidence of progressive tonsillitis, laryngitis or sinusitis.

For additional information, we recommend reading the article How to restore voice.

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