A person can live without food for about a month and a weekwithout water, however, a person can not not breathe for more than ten minutes. The air is simply necessary for us, and we breathe in and treat oxygen with the help of the lungs - a special organ of our body. We carefully take care of the quality of food, water and the environment around us, but often forget to take care of the lungs that play a big role in our lives. Many people do not think that they love the lungs and that they do not like and harm them.

Let's consider these questions further.

What the lungs do not like

Lungs do not like a lot of things that we put ourselves daily and constantly. Because of this, many complications and diseases of this important organ can arise. That's what the lungs do not like:

  • The stuffiness and air, unsaturated with oxygen. If you are in a closed, unventilated space with a lot of people, sooner or later the room will begin to lack oxygen and excess carbon dioxide. This is not at all beneficial to the lungs and the whole body. Also, in such a space, there is a great risk that pathogenic bacteria will spread at high speed, infecting many people. If possible, avoid a long stay in a confined space or transport.
  • Lungs absolutely do not like gas contaminatedcities. Especially in the summer in the afternoon, when there is a peak of gas emissions from cars and plants in the city. Smoke and gas could not add health to anyone. It is necessary to avoid walking in the afternoon near busy lanes, preferring parks and forests.
  • Your lungs definitely will not like an unventilated room that is rarely cleaned and has many things that absorb dust and bacteria. In such a room it is difficult to breathe and a great chance to get sick.
  • To protect your lungs, try not to breathehousehold chemicals, for example, when doing cleaning. When using it for cleaning, it is necessary to open the windows for ventilation and pour out household chemicals carefully.
  • Easy will not like any chemical gas and combustion products. This will have a negative impact on health and may even lead to death from gas poisoning.
  • Lungs do not like it if you eat a lot of light carbohydrates, which are absorbed quickly. These include sugar and flour products. It is recommended to eat cereals and fructose.
  • Very bad for the lungs, if you do not treat the disease and neglect the prevention of lung disease.
  • Lungs do not like cigarettes that poison them.various dangerous poisonous substances. This breaks the metabolism, lowers the immunity and destroys the structure of the lung tissue. Also, cigarettes cause lung cancer.

A list of things that the lungs do not like can be supplemented, but these are the main points that should be paid attention. Let us now consider what the lungs like.

What do the lungs like?

  • Fresh air. Walking on nature away from cities and trails will improve your well-being and reduce the risk of diseases. Most often, the air is cleaner next to the reservoirs. Especially useful are walks by the sea and in the coniferous forests.
  • Easy vitamins and minerals are needed, which wewe consume from fruits and vegetables. Eat balanced, right. Do not eat often harmful food from snack bars and add to the diet products containing iodine (eg, iodized salt).
  • Good physical activity in the open airpositively affect the health of a person and the work of the lungs. Especially important are breathing exercises and swimming, which allow you to train the lungs.

Lungs love the right, healthy lifestyle,which affects not only positively on their condition, but also on the general condition of a person. Because the lungs are inextricably linked with all other functions of the body.

Also you can read our other useful articles on this site:

  • How to clean the lungs
  • How aching the lungs
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