Scarlet fever is an acute infectious disease,who are most often affected by children under the age of 10 years. They are infected from other infected patients by direct contact or through household items. Once having had scarlet fever, a person develops immunity to this disease. In this article we will tell you how to treat scarlet fever in children, so that your child will recover as soon as possible.

Treatment regimen

Many people ask how to treat scarlet fever: in the hospital or at home? The answer to this question largely depends on the severity of the disease. In most cases, it is enough for the patient to comply with bed rest and follow the instructions of the attending physician. However, there are severe cases of the disease, when the patient is better placed under the regular supervision of doctors.

Symptoms and Treatment

In addition to the characteristic rash that appears in thethe time of illness, and the symptom of the so-called scarlet fever (bright red) language, the disease is also accompanied by angina. Therefore, the treatment of scarlet fever is much like the treatment of angina. So, let's get to the question, than to treat scarlet fever:

  • First of all, the treatment of scarlet fever implies the adoption of a 10-day course of antibiotics of the penicillin, macrolide group or group of cephalosporins.
  • The patient must comply with bed rest.
  • For treatment of sore throat, an abundant hot drink is shown, as well as rinsing of the throat with various solutions (furacilin, for example), as well as herbal infusions (chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula).
  • As a fortifying agent, it is also recommended to take vitamin complexes so that the body can recover as soon as possible.

In addition, there are also folk ways to treat scarlet fever, which are designed to accelerate recovery and alleviate the symptoms of the disease:

  • Take the fibers from the inside of the pumpkin, mix them with milk and attach to the abscesses in the throat.
  • Take the squeeze from cowberries, lemon or cranberries, pour alcohol and make from the resulting mixture compresses. Alternatively, you can rinse from their warmed juice.
  • Also for treatment any warming compresses (oil or alcohol) on the inflamed lymphonoduses will approach.

These folk methods can only be a supplement to the basic treatment. Adhere to bed rest, stick to a certain diet, take medication and very soon you will go to the amendment.

In addition, read also the article What is scarlet fever.

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