No one is insured from ARVI, especially in wintera period of time, and often a cold is accompanied by an increase in temperature. To help the body fight infection, it is worth choosing the most appropriate antipyretic. In this article we will describe what is usually taken from temperature.

What can you take from the temperature?

The pharmaceutical industry offersa wide choice of antipyretics. All of them have their pros and cons, so you need to consider them before purchasing the drug. However, remember that not all temperatures need to be knocked down. Our article will help you correctly What temperature you need to shoot down. And now consider several popular antipyretic agents.


Paracetamol is very strongantipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug. In this case, compared with other drugs, he has quite a few side effects. However, this drug is contraindicated in renal and hepatic insufficiency. In addition, it should be remembered about the doses of the remedy, since their excess is extremely negative for the liver. And children and pregnant women should take paracetamol under the supervision of a doctor. You can take paracetamol as an independent tool, but you can buy the drug in which it is contained, for example:

  • Panadol.
  • Efferalgan.
  • Coldrex-Hotrem.
  • Kalpol.
  • Fervex.
  • Flukold.
  • Grippostad.
  • Dolaren.
  • Solpadein.


Ibuprofen is less effective thanparacetamol. This drug is prescribed in cases where the latter does not help or shows poor results. Ibuprofen helps reduce inflammation and pain, improves immunity. Here are just a lot of side effects that should be considered before using. Moreover, it can not be taken with peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum, aspirin asthma, ulcerative colitis, amblyopia. Taking ibuprofen along with paracetamol and aspirin is contraindicated. For children under 6 years and pregnant women, its reception is highly undesirable. Ibuprofen is part of the following drugs:

  • Ibuklin.
  • Solpaflex.
  • Ibusan.
  • Nurofen.


Reflecting on what helps with temperature,should pay attention to all known acetylsalicylic acid. However, taking aspirin should be done with great care, although this remedy is good for reducing heat, relieving pain and inflammation. Contraindications for aspirin are similar to ibuprofen, and it can not be taken if there are diseases of the digestive tract, asthma, decreased blood clotting. Pregnant and children under 12 years of age are simply contraindicated. With alcohol it is not compatible. Aspirin is also included in the following products:

  • Anapyrine.
  • Asacil-A.
  • Acylpyrine.
  • Aspinol.
  • The acre.
  • Bufferin.

Perhaps you will also benefit from our articles What to do at a high temperature and How to bring down the temperature of an adult.

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