Banana is an incredibly useful fruit thatIt is represented by more than 500 species. It is used with pleasure both by children and adults. But the question often arises, how many calories are in a banana? Here everything depends on how mature it is and whether the fruit is fresh.

Calories in fresh bananas

First, let's look at how many caloriesfound in fresh bananas. In 100 grams of this fruit there are from 70 to 110 Kcal. But on what does the calorie content of bananas depend? It's all about the maturity of the fruit. So, in ripe bananas about 80-90 kcal. It is interesting that in unripe fruits, the calories are more - about 110. If the banana is ripe, and its skin already has black dots, then, as a rule, it contains no more than 75 Kcal.

Calories in dried bananas

On the shelves of shops can also be founddried bananas. And many like to eat them, thinking that there is very little calories in them. But in fact there are a lot of them - more than fresh fruit. So, in 100 grams of dried bananas contains about 298 kcal. Therefore, nutritionists recommend not to abuse bananas in dried form.

Ideally, you need to include in your diet freshfruit. One day it is recommended to eat 1-2 bananas. They do not harm the figure, at the same time they will saturate the body and charge with energy, since they contain a significant amount of glucose and fructose. Bananas are also rich in various vitamins and nutrients, including:

  • thiamine;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • tocopherol;
  • carotene;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • enzymes;
  • riboflavin.

Also in bananas are manymicroelements, including potassium and magnesium. But remember that all the beneficial substances and vitamins in such fruits are preserved only if stored correctly. Ripe and yellow bananas need to spread on a plate. Keep them at a temperature of 12-14 degrees for 3-4 days. You can not put these fruits in the refrigerator, as they lose some of the vitamins, and black spots appear on the peel.

If you have purchased unripe bananas, thenFirst place them for 4-5 days in a room where there is a temperature of about 20 degrees. After that, you can eat them and store them as ordinary bananas on a plate at a temperature of 12-14 degrees.

You may also be interested in articles from the section Weight Loss:

  • How much to eat per day
  • What vitamins are in a banana
  • How useful are bananas
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