Stammering is an ailment that often occursin adults, and in children. However, the recovery process in children is faster than in adults. It is difficult to call stuttering a disease - it is rather a defect, which can be adjusted in modern ways. From our article you will learn how to cure stuttering.

Stammering: treatment methods

The most important thing on the way to getting rid of stuttering -it is a strong desire of the patient to improve his speech. To get rid of the shortage will help psychological methods, while it is important to find a specialist that you could open, because often stuttering is a consequence of quite serious psychological trauma received by a person in the past. However, not everyone can remember the negative aspects, so one of the modern methods of treatment is hypnosis. With the help of hypnotic therapy, a specialist will help to look at the situation from the side and eliminate the consequences. Of course, for such treatment an adult can take several months, but most importantly - do not despair and believe in yourself.

Psychologists are advised to begin treatment with the following exercises:

  • respiratory gymnastics (for example, according to the method of AN Strelnikova or other specialists).
  • exercise "ladoshki." Take a straight position, bend your arms in the elbows (your elbows should be lowered), and turn your palms away from you. Begin to clench your fists and at the same time make 4 sharp breaths in a row (without exhalation). Then exhale, then relax for a few seconds and repeat the exercise. It needs to be done 20 to 30 times. Do not forget to rest after each time;
  • exercise on "calmness." Sit flat and try to say a few words in a calm, calm voice (for example, a tone lower than you usually say). It is important to use your breath economically, and also to hold your breath while speaking certain words. Focus on stretching vowels (stretch slightly) and do not focus on consonants.

And most importantly, remember that the result of your treatmentwill entirely depend on you, no matter how good a specialist may be. If you are still concerned about any problems, from our section Health you will learn about the treatment of various diseases in a variety of ways, as well as methods of strengthening the body.

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