Digestive system disorders can becaused by various diseases. Today, let's talk more about what indigestion is. This disease is a violation of digestion, accompanied by pain. Among the multiple causes of dyspepsia may be various diseases of internal organs, as well as nutritional factors.

This disease often occurs in humans,suffering from a lack of special enzymes. Syndrome of incomplete absorption causes pain. No less dangerous are the nutritional errors at which alimentary dyspepsia may occur. Children become ill with it when their small digestive system can not cope with the composition of food.

Breasts suffer from dyspepsia due tooverfeeding or untimely start of complementary feeding. Physiological dyspepsia is congenital and proceeds as one grows up. Adolescents face this problem during periods of rapid growth of the body. Imbalance of hormones causes adolescent disease. At this time, the digestive system is difficult to perceive all possible errors in nutrition.

Symptoms of dyspepsia

The most common signs of dyspepsia are:

  • Pressing sensations in the upper part of the abdomen, sometimes turning into pain;
  • Constant and frequent belching;
  • Increased gas formation and flatulence;
  • Heartburn and nausea;
  • Stool disorder, which is expressed in frequent constipation or diarrhea.

Often dyspepsia is accompanied by rumbling or pouring in the stomach, unpleasant taste sensations, malaise and weakness. People suffer from headaches, rarely insomnia.

Prevention of dyspepsia

To prevent dyspepsia, you must follow preventive measures.

  • Rational and healthy eating. It is necessary to limit or exclude the use of foods that provoke heartburn. These include citrus, sweet or salted dishes, spicy, fried foods, alcohol, strong teas and coffee. It is also necessary to stop overeating;
  • Exclusion from the diet of all substandard products;
  • Refusal to smoke and other bad habits;
  • The necessary physical activity, as well as the choice of a healthy lifestyle;
  • Passage of regular endoscopicResearch, through which a specialist can draw a conclusion about the state of the stomach. If necessary, a biopsy is performed - taking a small fragment of the organ to determine the structure;
  • Compliance with hygiene standards, mandatory washing hands before eating, and fruits or vegetables - before consumption.

Also you may be useful article Signs of stomach cancer.

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