Often, the treatment of the child involves not only the reception of medicines and tablets, but also injections. You can put them on your own, thereby avoiding everyday hospital visits.

Preparing for the injection

Before you inject your baby, you need toprepare the drug for injections. Be sure to pay attention to its dosage - it should be the same as the doctor appointed. You will also need cotton wool, a syringe and medical alcohol. Then proceed as follows:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with a disinfectant.
  2. Open the ampoule with an injection and dial the drug into a sterile syringe. If the medicine is presented with a powder, then it must be diluted first with the remedy prescribed by the doctor.
  3. Turn the syringe with the needle injection up, and thentap it lightly with a fingernail. This must be done in order for the air bubbles to rise to the opening. After that, lightly press the plunger of the syringe, so that air and a small amount of medicine leave the needle, then wipe it with cotton wool soaked in alcohol.

How to put a shot of a child: instruction

To make a baby a shot correctly, you need to proceed as follows:

  1. Mentally divide the butt into 4 parts. Remember that you need to make an injection in the upper right quarter.
  2. Slightly massage the buttock, which will be injected.
  3. Wipe the place where the injection will be put in the future, a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.
  4. Stretch the skin a little at the injection site (do this with your left hand), and then quickly move the needle at an angle of 90 degrees to a depth of about ¾ of the needle.
  5. Place your thumb on the syringe plunger and start slowly injecting the medicine to the end.
  6. Gradually pull out a needle from the skin, and then attach to the site of the injection a cotton wool soaked in alcohol.

You can also use these articles:

  • How to make injections correctly
  • How to properly inject into the buttock
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