Beaver sprout or beaver musk is ironinternal secretion of beavers. It is used to treat diseases of the cardiovascular, genitourinary and immune systems, with sexual disorders in men, as well as for treatment of infectious diseases. Due to the properties of the beaver jet, such components as the adaptogen - this drug has such pronounced healing properties.

It should immediately be stipulated that the beaver jet isnot BAA and it does not replace the treatment with traditional medicine, but only complements their action. It is used in the form of powder, rectal suppositories, ointments, alcohol tinctures both inside and outwardly. More information about the forms of medicinal preparations and their properties you can find out when you look in our section - Preparations.

How to take a beaver jet in a tincture?

Before taking a beaver jet in the form oftinctures, the medicine must first be prepared. To do this, the dried iron needs to be ground into a powder (100 g) and pour 0.5 liters of vodka or 70% alcohol, insist three to four weeks in the dark. You can also buy ready-made alcohol solution.

For prevention and enhancement of immunity tincturetake 1 tsp. twice a day for a month. To treat infectious and other diseases, the dose should be increased to 1.5-2 spoons, taken three times a day.

Other ways to take a beaver jet

If the alcohol is intolerant, the body of the beavercan be consumed as a dry powder, but then the individual dose is harder to pick up. It is recommended to sprinkle a piece of bread with a small pinch of powder and eat it. With the prophylactic purpose, the drug is recommended to be taken twice a day, and with the medication - three times a day.

In addition, with diseases of the upper and lowerrespiratory tracts are recommended to inhale vapors and particles of powder from a beaver jet. To do this, the bank with it needs to be opened and inhaled alternately - then one or the other nostril.

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