Staphylococcal infection is a disease of bacterial origin, which is characterized by the appearance of purulent formations in the localization of inflammation.

The disease is caused by bacteria, mainly -Staphylococcus aureus. There is a pathology in both light forms (on the skin) and in rather severe (sepsis, pneumonia and other diseases with a high probability of lethal outcomes).

At risk are children (especially infants), elderly people and people with impaired immunity for some reason.

Treatment of inflammatory processes is most often a difficult procedure, as Staphylococcus aureus is very resistant to many antibacterial drugs.

How the infection spreads and spreads

So, how is Staphylococcus transmitted? The ways of spreading staphylococcus are manifold, but basically - it's airborne, contact-household, food ways, and you can catch this disease through dust.

The introduction of bacteria into the body occurs throughskin, mucous membranes, conjunctiva, respiratory system. From a localized focus, inflammation can spread throughout the body. In newborns, the appearance of septicopyemia and sepsis is especially dangerous.

The most common foci of infection, such as skin, yawn, nose, respiratory system, nasopharynx, food tract.

Lesions of the ENT organs cause tonsillitis, angina, rhinitis, pharyngitis, otitis, sinusitis, laryngitis. There is usually a link between the nasal and throat lesions with the digestive organs (enterocolitis).

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Staphylococcal Infection in Children

Clinical manifestations of the disease are due toa huge variety of signs and symptoms. The main symptom of staphylococcal infection is the emergence of foci of inflammatory phenomena with purulent lesions, which are characterized by a greenish tinge. Often there are signs of toxic and allergic poisoning of the body. The child may have fever, lethargy, refusal of food.

With the defeat of the respiratory tract and nasopharynx, signs of acute respiratory distress (cough, runny nose, redness of the throat) are observed, frequent liquid stool with mucus, gag reflex, will tell of problems in the digestive tract.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out based on itslocalization. It is not without a mandatory general blood test. Then everything depends on the readings. So, for example, when complaining about problems with the nasopharynx, the child takes a sow from the mouth and nose. The sowing is carried out on an empty stomach with a special probe, then placed in a medium favorable for the development of bacteria. Disorders of the digestive system are checked through studies of feces on the pathogenic microflora. The feces collected in a disposable container are delivered for three hours to the laboratory. Moreover, it is recommended to pass the analysis 2-3 times with an interval of up to 2 days.

Features of Staphylococcus treatment

Complex therapy implies, in the first placeturn, elimination of the reason for the onset of the disease. A doctor must conduct and supervise the treatment of staphylococcal infection. In this case, you should contact the doctor, whose competence includes the location of inflammation (skin - dermatologist, nasopharynx - ENT, food tract - gastroenterologist).

Usually, antibacterialpreparations of a wide spectrum of action. In connection with the fact that newborns are most difficult to treat, antibiotics are prescribed by separate courses, with the change of preparations. Treatment can last several weeks.

When using antibacterial therapyin parallel for the prevention of dysbiosis can be prescribed vitamins and probiotics. Directly act on staphylococci phage. They are used mainly for infections of the skin.

Specific drugs are also prescribed,raising protective mechanisms of immunity. For children of early age, antistaphylococcal gamma globulin is widely prescribed, which is administered intramuscularly once a day or every other day, only 5-7 times.

In mild forms of the disease, symptomatic therapy is usually performed in the form of ointments, lotions, rinses, rinses.

Physiotherapy methods should also be part of the treatment - compresses, warmers, mustards, ultraviolet radiation, etc.

In especially severe cases (with complications) surgical methods of treatment, blood transfusion are used.

Of course, if you are thinking about how to treat staphylococcus in a baby, it's best to go to a doctor. If you do not have such an opportunity, you can try treatment with traditional medicine.

How to treat staphylococcus in the nose

The most effective treatment for staphylococcus is with the use of antibiotics, such as:

  • vancomycin;
  • oxacillin;
  • amoksiklav;
  • ofloxacin;
  • ceftriaxone;
  • unazine.

You can also drip into the nose oil and alcohol solutions such as chlorophyllipt.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are best used in conjunction with medications or as supportive after the disappearance of acute symptoms.

How to treat staphylococcus in throat


  1. Comfrey. Brew 4 tablespoons in a glass of boiling water and insist until it cools (about 36-40 degrees). Apply 4 times a day.
  2. Burdock. Brewed, like a comfrey. Apply 3 times a day, no more than 15 minutes.


  1. 2 spoons of a mix of roots of a turn, копеечника, licorice and camomile flowers to fill in with a glass of hot water and to boil for 10 minutes on low fire. Insist 2 hours, strain and drink during the day.
  2. Spoon the fire-grass wrapped in gauze and dip into boiling water for 15 seconds (for children) or for 40 seconds (for adults). Take 10 days in any portions.
  3. Well established infusion of flowerschamomile. To make it, you need to take a tablespoon of this herb and pour a glass of boiling water, boil for five minutes, insist and strain. Give a teaspoon after feeding.
  4. To treat enterocolitis in infants, you canuse the infusion of calendula flowers, which is brewed from the calculation: 1 teaspoon per 1 glass of water. This drink should be given in the intervals between the feedings.

Preventive measures

  1. While in the maternity hospital it is better to stay with the child together in one ward.
  2. Before carrying out the procedures for the care or feeding of the baby, you should thoroughly wash your hands, and also observe personal hygiene measures.
  3. It is required to monitor the quality and freshness of food.
  4. Do frequent and thorough cleaning in the house.
  5. Since the first days of life to carry out activities to temper the baby and raise its immunity.

Always remember that if a childnormal diet, diet, metabolism, there are no untreated lesions on the skin and mucous membranes, then, most likely, it will not interfere with staphylococcal infection.

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