Since ancient times it is known that propolis possesseshealing power. It is used not only in folk methods of treatment of diseases, but also has a wide distribution in traditional medicine, as well as in cosmetology. How to take propolis - you will learn from our article.

Methods of using propolis

Propolis is taken orally in the form of an alcohol or aqueous solution, or applied to damaged areas in the form of an ointment or tincture.

With external application, you can use the maximum percentage strength of alcohol solution, but when used inside, the tincture is diluted with water or milk.


Rinse throat with alcohol tincture will helpget rid of not only a viral infection, but also help the nose to breathe. In order not to burn the mucous membrane, the solution must be diluted with water to 10% alcohol content. If you lightly heat the tincture, the effect of the drug will increase.

Consumption in its pure form

The natural form of propolis is crushed and drunk with milk: 50-100 gr. of the product mix with a liter of hot milk and cook the mixture on moderate heat for 10 minutes until a uniform color is obtained.


Accepted both externally and internally. External application contributes to the healing of wounds and abscesses, and when used internally, it treats the throat and fights against colds. 50 gr. Crushed propolis must be mixed with 200 ml of alcohol and mixed thoroughly. Transfer to a glass container and let it brew in a dark, warm place for 2 weeks.

Ingestion of propolis

For rapid cure of the disease, it is recommended to use propolis inside (except for external injuries).

As we wrote above, propolis can be consumed incombination with milk or in the form of alcohol tincture. Alcohol tincture must be diluted with water to 20% alcohol content. Take a day not more than 30 gr. The maximum duration of admission is a month.


For convenience in external use ofpropolis it is possible to prepare an ointment: in the enameled ware it is necessary to mix 70 gr. Vaseline and 20 gr. lanolin (animal fat), add 15 gr. crushed propolis and place on a water bath, stirring constantly. Cook for 10 minutes. After cooling, the mixture is filtered with gauze.

Useful properties of propolis

  • Treats asthma, bronchitis;
  • Eliminates depression;
  • He treats skin diseases;
  • Heals wounds, burns;
  • Used for fractures;
  • Heals against colds;
  • Eliminates herpes.

Read our articles: What is propolis and How to prepare propolis.

Visit our section: Folk remedies.

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