Taking medication, you need a veryresponsibly treat the prescriptions of the doctor and follow the instructions for use. Incorrectly chosen dosage, ignoring the time and duration of taking or mixing incongruous drugs can worsen the condition and seriously damage health.

Than to take down tablets?

Unsuitable liquid can form compoundsand insoluble substances that the body can not properly absorb. A consequence of this is poisoning, a severe allergy. The latter can occur if you "drink" drugs with alcohol or take them in parallel. Drink medicines with tea is also undesirable. A similar situation with milk, juices and coffee, unless otherwise instructed.

It is best to drink medicine with clean water.

How to take medicine: tips

  1. Drink medicines, as we have already noted, needclean boiled water - take a few sips, drinking a little less than a glass. Water is a chemically neutral liquid, it does not provoke the appearance of undesirable reactions.
  2. Read the instructions and prescriptions of your doctor and follow them. Specify the dosage, the duration of treatment, the mode of admission. If you are already taking other medications, then do not forget to tell the pharmacist about this.
  3. When pregnancy, allergies, any problemsin the work of the organs of the body, the intake of medicines may be limited. It's important to notify the doctor so that you do not take a drug that one will treat, and another, as they say, maim. If several medications are used for treatment, then take the tablets better not with a handful, but one at a time, after 10 minutes.

Medications and diet

It happens that the instructions in the instruction concerningThere is no reception time. How to take the medicine in this case? Standard - drink half an hour before meals. When it is indicated that you need to take the drug before eating, do it, preferably in 40 minutes (at least 15 minutes). After meals - usually not earlier than two hours later. During meals, mostly taken tablets that promote good digestion. If you miss an appointment, do not take a double dose into the next dose, so as not to increase the risk of side effects.

Let the need to take medicine arises from you as little as possible, be healthy and full of energy!

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