Appendicitis is often confused with the onset of menstruation andpoisoning, thereby losing valuable time. If you know his symptoms, you can go to a doctor more quickly for medical help, which means you can avoid peritonitis, which sometimes ends in a fatal outcome.

Definition of appendicitis by the nature of pain

To determine appendicitis at home,it is necessary first of all to listen to the nature of pain. As a rule, with this disease it is constant, rolling in waves, pausing for a short time and arising again. With appendicitis, a person feels pain in the right side, but can give it anywhere. To test your suspicions, you need to get up and be a little bit like. What will you feel? If a piercing pain, then we can say with certainty that you have appendicitis.

Also one of the signs of this diseaseis the diffuse pain at the very beginning of an attack, which is later localized on the right or in the navel area. Do not expect that the pain will leave you, it will happen only after the removal of the shoot.

To diagnose appendicitis in an outsiderhuman can be with the help of the symptom of Schetkina-Blumberg. Put the patient on his back and ask him to stretch his legs. Then gently press the fingers on the right side of the abdomen just below the navel and at the moment of maximum pressure pull back the hand. If the patient has appendicitis, then at this moment he will feel a sharp increase in pain. Also look at how the patient lies. If he does this, pull his legs to his stomach, urgently call an ambulance, as he has appendicitis, and not food poisoning.

Definition of appendicitis by general features

To determine appendicitis at home,based on common characteristics. Remember that this disease is not accompanied by diarrhea, and the tongue will not be coated with white bloom. As a rule, a loose stool is a symptom of food poisoning, it has nothing to do with appendicitis. It is also important to pay attention to the temperature increase. This symptom speaks of a purulent inflammation, and, as a consequence, of an organism intoxication.

To determine appendicitis the following manipulations will help:

  • Cough, with appendicitis you will feel a piercing pain.
  • Bend your index finger and tap on the abdomen in the right ileal region. Pain indicates the presence of inflammation of the appendage. Do not hesitate any longer.

It is worth knowing that pregnant women have an appendixchanges its place of location, like other organs, so often the pain is more localized than usual. Also, the process can be located close to the back, as a result of this feature a person with appendicitis will experience pains that usually accompany kidney infections.

In order to correctly identify the disease in such cases, you should read our article - Where is appendicitis. Then you can avoid many mistakes.

Definition of appendicitis in children

The question of how to determine appendicitis inchild, is very relevant, because children often eat unwashed vegetables and fruits, namely microbes and cause inflammation of the shoot. It should be noted that this disease in infants is considered extremely rare. But with age, it occurs much more often. If the child complains of pain in his right side, you need to watch him.

Look at how he is lying. If he knocks and writhing with pain when changing his posture, then most likely he has appendicitis. Also, with this affliction, the child will try not to move at all, since every movement will give him enormous discomfort. Feel the baby's stomach. If, at the slightest pressure, the toddler is in pain, call the doctor immediately, as delay can turn into peritonitis.

If the child is experiencing pain, but you are not sure,that he really has appendicitis, do not hesitate, call an ambulance, since this symptom can talk about the presence of serious enough diseases. It is better to diagnose them at an early stage. Also, before the arrival of a doctor, do not put a warmer on your stomach, do not use laxatives or pain medications. After all, your reckless actions can further complicate further diagnosis of the disease and complicate the patient's condition.

To determine the presence of appendicitis, you need to know the symptoms of this disease. You can read them in our article - What are the symptoms of appendicitis.

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