They froze, they contacted the sick person,wet feet, - how many simple situations, when you can catch a cold. Surely you have heard that the cold runs for a week, regardless of whether the person treated it or not. But why put up with when you can quickly get rid of the cold on your own? This will take one or two days.

How to quickly cure a runny nose folk remedies

Old good folk recipes will tell us how to quickly get rid of stuffy nose and snot.

Warming up

Attention! Warming up can be life threatening, read about contraindications, and consult a doctor. Warming up the nose is not as safe as it seems at first glance. To warm up a nose it is impossible at a genyantritis, at purulent discharges, and also in the started cases of a cold. This method is suitable only for the first two days of the disease and only with clear discharge from the nose, if they are present along with the stuffiness.

  • Warming with salt. Find any clean dry handkerchief, wrap salt in it, making a bag. Place it on a warmed dry frying pan and heat. Then the handkerchief with salt should be applied to the nasal sinuses, which are located near the nose bridge under the eyes. Warm up the nose for about 10 minutes.
  • Warming with eggs. About this method, you probably also heard from grandmothers and moms. The welded egg is also applied to the nasal sinuses.


To clean the nose, disinfect it and kill the microbes, use another folk remedy - washing.

  • Washing with salt water. For 200 ml. warm boiled water will require 1 teaspoon of salt. It is convenient to pour a portion of the solution in a saucer. One nostril should be covered with a finger, and the second one should be drawn into a solution. The water will come out through the mouth.
  • In addition, a combination of salt and soda forwashing of the nose. For 200 ml. water will require half a teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of soda. The procedure is the same as in the previous method.


Inhalation is considered a very effective method of fighting the common cold, because it acts for a long time, the pair penetrate far enough into the nose and into the upper respiratory tract.

  • The easiest way to hold inhalation is to boil the potatoes, bend over the pot, cover yourself with a towel and breathe the steam.
  • You can also boil water, add a tiny balsam "Star" to it and also breathe the steam.
  • In pharmacies are sold inhalers, in which you can pour ordinary water or add herbal or medicines.

How to quickly cure a cold with medicines

If you deal with the treatment of a cold at the first symptoms, then it can be cured very quickly.

  • For washing the nose, suitable means such as "Aqua Maris", "Salin", "Akvalor", "Akvalor."
  • Quickly get yourself into shape helpvasoconstrictor drugs. These include drops of "Galazolin", "Sanorin", "Naftizin". For a long time you can not use them, as there is an addiction. These drops do not treat, but relieve symptoms. But it is possible that on the first day this will be enough to quickly cure a runny nose.
  • Preparations containing phenylephrine ("Coldrex", "Teraflu", "Rinza") help due to the increased pressure - as a result, edema decreases.

Also, we should note that care should be taken to treat colds in children. Read more about the treatment of the common cold in our articles - How to get rid of the common cold? And Than to treat a cold ?.

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