Most people are afraid to panicpresence of another person. Although there are some who really enjoy this, thinking it's funny and funny. We suggest you to learn how to fart in a public place without causing suspicion and disapproving glances of others.

The truth of life is that absolutely all peopleit is peculiar to start up gases, in other words - fart. So the human body is arranged. And no matter how terrible it may sound, but they are farting all without exception: presidents, musicians, show business stars, miners, doctors, teachers, even representatives of the nobility.

Interesting Facts

  • a person during the day should fart about 20 times - this is his physiological feature and need;
  • the number and frequency of gassing does not depend on the sex of the person;
  • products such as peas, greens, apples, cabbage and all legumes can enhance gas exchange.

Every person needs to know how to fartcorrectly. This should be done as needed, relaxing both the sphincter and the gluteus muscles. It is not recommended to suffer the need to fart long. Air anyway soon will come out of the body in a natural way, but it will make it very loud.

How to do it quietly

  • There are several ways how to softly fart. To do this quietly and imperceptibly, you need to push one buttock away from the other and relax the sphincter. This method is very useful in public places, when you do not want to be in an awkward situation, but you do not have the strength to tolerate any more. Before using this method in practice, it is better to practice at home. From the first time this may not work.
  • The second way is to squeeze the sphincter andbuttocks, so as not to release the traitor and as soon as possible to retire to meet the physiological needs. Thus, the probability that someone will hear your bunch is minimal. The main thing without suspicions is to leave a crowded place and not to give yourself a restrained walk, because walking with strained buttocks and a sphincter is not so easy.

Many people in critical situations startto look for ways, how not to fart at all. Unfortunately, this is practically not possible. In such cases, neither the friction of the ear lobe, nor the jumping on one leg, nor even the thought of the beautiful is helping. So our organism is arranged. If he needs to release excess air from the intestine, sooner or later it will happen. It is better to go to the toilet more often and make a gas attack in a specially designated place for this.

If you often find yourself in awkward situations,when you really want to fart, then revise your diet. Observe from what kind of food your gasification increases and exclude these products from your menu. Often a similar effect arises from beer, bananas, ravioli, apples, cabbage, peas, beans and carbonated beverages. Take care of your body.

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