Since the school years, almost every one of usthere was a fluorographic examination for the presence of tuberculosis or changes in the tissues of the lungs. Therefore, everyone knows what is fluorography. This examination of the organs of the chest, bones and mammary glands with the help of X-rays.

Scientific discovery

The discovery of x-rays belongs toWilhelm Roentgen. In 1985 he published an article "On a new type of ray". Based on this discovery, a group of scientists from Italy and the United States developed a method for using X-rays in medicine.

In practice, the following occurs: a person is placed in a special chamber where X-rays are passed through it, which give a projection of the image of the lungs on a fluorescent screen, at which point a photograph of the visible image is made. In the future, the film is manifested or treated with the help of special equipment with multiple magnification.

What diseases can be identified?

Tuberculosis (different types), pneumonia, abscesses,a tumor, silicosis - that's what fluorography shows. Also using X-ray machines, mammary glands and bone tissue are examined for the presence of tumors.

Now in radiography more oftendigital methods of image acquisition are used. In connection with this, the following positive points can be noted: the patient's radiation load is reduced, the resulting image can be immediately viewed on the monitor screen, and then printed out on the printer or transmitted over the network. From the economic point of view, the use of digital methods makes it possible to reduce the cost of the survey process (film and materials for its manifestation are not required).

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