Antiseptic stimulant Dorogova, or simply ASD,it is a drug with a range of therapeutic and preventive effects. It can be used to treat many diseases with various symptoms and manifestations. The list of diseases includes asthma, eczema, psoriasis, infertility, various tumors. And this despite the fact that it does not harm health and its accessibility is amazing. The only negative quality of the drug is its unpleasant smell, attempts to get rid of it, were crowned with a decrease in its activity. The drug also does not cause addiction.

And really, how many ASD have positive qualities, well, but how to take asd, and which of its two varieties can be taken orally, and which only externally, we will tell you today.

Inside, only the fraction of the drug ASD-2 is taken. Use ASD3 for external use only! This technique was developed by Dorogov himself.

ASD: scheme of application

  • Dosage according to the standard - 25-30 drops of the drug to be diluted in 100 ml. water, only not hot. To eat on an empty stomach for 20-30 minutes before meals, a couple of times a day.
  • Diseases in the field of gynecology - the standard scheme of taking the drug is used. Douching with 1% solution is also prescribed.
  • Hypertension - the basic scheme of application is used. But the reception should start with 5 drops, gradually bringing up to 20.
  • Fungus of the skin - rinse the affected areas with water, and apply to the skin a fraction of the drug asd-3, a couple of times a day.
  • Diseases of the eye - 4-5 drops of the drug are diluted in half a cup of boiled water. Use a couple of times a day, for a week, then a 3 day break.
  • Hair growth - rub 5% solution of the drug into the skin.
  • Diseases of the liver, nervous system, heart -take the drug as follows: for 5 days, dissolve 10 drops, take a break 3 days, then 5 days 15 drops of the drug, again 3 days break, then 5 days 20 drops, again 3 days respite and finally 5 days to 25 drops. Drink with interruptions, until the positive result. If during reception of a preparation, probably, the exacerbation of illness has come, reception for a while costs to stop. You can start taking the drug when the pain subsides.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and bile ducts - you can use the standard reception scheme.
  • Pain in the teeth - moisten a tampon of gauze or cotton wool and put it to the sick tooth.
  • Sexual impotence - dilute 4-5 drops of the drug for half a cup of water, drink 30-40 minutes before eating 5 days, break 3 days.
  • Coryza and cough - 2 times a day to take 1 ml of the drug.
  • Skin disease, various neurodermatitis,psoriasis, ulcers and eczema - dilute 1-2 ml of the drug in half a cup of water, take inside for 5 days, break 3 days. Simultaneously use a fraction of ASD-3 diluted 1:20 in vegetable oil. Apply compresses of the drug to the affected areas, until complete cure. If complications occur in the form of itching or redness of the skin, stop applying the drug for 3 days. If relapses occur, it is worth repeating the treatment.
  • Gastritis and colitis are the standard regimen for taking the drug, but it should be taken once a day on an empty stomach.
  • Thrush - a solution with 1% of the drug, that is, about 30 drops, take a couple of times a day.
  • Night incontinence of urine - use 5 drops of the drug for 150 ml of water. 3 days break.
  • Inflammation of lymph nodes, rheumatism,gout - make compresses from the fraction of asd-2 and apply to sore spots, also take the medication inside, 4-5 drops for 5 days, 3 days break.
  • Cold - inhalation of the drug, tablespoon, per liter of hot water is used.
  • Prevention of colds - inside 1 ml of the drug, half a cup of water.

Generally, AsD preparation, human usewhich is absolutely harmless, is considered a medicine for animals and for some skin diseases. But this is due to the non-recognition of the academician and doctor Dorogov as an outstanding physician. For a long time the beneficial effect of various fractions of this remedy has been proved. But just as with the reception of all the rest of the usual medicines, before using it is necessary to consult with a doctor.

Next, we will consider how to take the ASD-fraction of the drug for various complex and chronic diseases, according to Dorogov's system.

  • Radiculitis - a teaspoon of the drug on a glass of water. Take 2 times a day.
  • Spasms of extremities - gauze in 4 layers wet 20% solution of the drug and adjust to the sick areas. As a rule, after 5 months the blood circulation is restored.
  • Trichomoniasis - a single syringing of 2% of the drug, 60 drops per 100 ml of water.
  • Tuberculosis of various organs - reception begins with5 drops of the drug once a day on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals. Drink 5 days for 5 drops, then 3 days break, then 5 days for 10 drops, also 3 days break, and thus raise the dose to 20 drops. The drug is used for 2 months.
  • Gastric ulcer - taking the drug according to the standard scheme.

Importance of the drug is of great importance.cancer diseases. How to take ASD 2 and what doses, your doctor will tell you exactly, but Dr. Dorogov, has developed a scheme of application for cancer.

Oncological diseases

  • Precancerous stages of the disease are amenable to treatment with the drug - the standard dosage and compresses on external tumors are applied.
  • There is a shock technique for the use of the drug. In this case, the drug is applied strictly by the hour, at 8, 12,16,20 hours, that is, every 4. Dosage starts with 5 drops, is consumed 5 days, and increase the amount of the drug to 50 drops, every 5 days of admission. That is, the first 5 days, 5 drops, the next 5 days for 10, then 15, and so up to 50 drops.

To avoid the spread of unpleasant odordrug, take it from the bottle with a syringe, and gently pour into a glass of water, lowering the end of the syringe to the bottom of the glass. Also, only purified and boiled water is used to receive the drug.

I hope that you learned how to drink ASD, the main thing is that you remember that before starting to use it is necessary in any case to ask everything from your doctor.

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