A meteorism is an excessgases collected in the abdominal cavity. In the article we will tell you how to get rid of flatulence by various means, but first a little about the very indisposition.

About excess gases

The meteorism causes very unpleasant sensations in thethe area of ​​the stomach and almost always accompanied by a flurry of gases and belching. Among the various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), it is probably the most innocuous, but very unpleasant. Gases enter the stomach both during meals and during a conversation, so the saying "when I eat - I'm deaf and dumb" was invented for good reason. Another cause of flatulence is the bacteria that emit gases when fermenting food. Well, now let's talk about how to fight meteorism with the help of various means - traditional medicine and folk medicine, and also touch on the causes of its occurrence so that later this unpleasant phenomenon could be avoided.

How to treat flatulence

If you are tormented by flatulence, refer to a goodgastroenterologist. The doctor will conduct appropriate diagnosis, identify the causes of flatulence, and perhaps find more serious violations, for which flatulence is only a consequence. Then medications are prescribed, which eliminate the symptoms of this disease. Usually in such cases, patients are advised to take drugs that improve the motility of the gastrointestinal tract and sometimes - laxatives.

However, in addition to contacting a specialist,help the body to fight flatulence. So, it is reasonable to refuse excessive consumption of dairy products, beans, some fruits and vegetables (apples, pears, peaches, cabbage, artichokes, onions), as well as whole grains. In addition, it is useful to limit yourself and give up such harmful habits as smoking, drinking alcohol (especially beer) and chewing gum.

Flatulence - treatment with folk remedies

Very good against this ailment helpbroths from herbs: ginger, lemon balm, fennel, chamomile, root of the angelica. These herbs can greatly facilitate the work of the intestines. In addition, it is useful to know that some herbs have a pronounced gas-suppressing action, that is, they successfully fight bacteria that cause the formation of gases. These are herbs such as medicinal hyssop, parsley, dill, ginger and fennel already familiar to us, as well as seeds of cardamom and cumin.

Some recommend also making a mixture ofessential oils of juniper, mint and cumin and massage her stomach clockwise. Well, in order for you to understand how to cure flatulence in such a way that it does not bother you more, we will give several main reasons for its occurrence. After their elimination, flatulence, if not disappear at all, then, at least, will subside more than half.

The causes of flatulence

About conversations, bad habits and someproducts you already know. And the causes of flatulence can be carbonated drinks and kvass, improperly installed dentures, all sorts of microelements and vitamins that are not used in the right quantities, antibiotics, not combined food, overeating.

By the way, for the amount of food eaten,since undigested food begins to rot and causes the formation of gases, which also leads to flatulence. To normal digestion prevents and excessively fatty food, more precisely - the fat that covers the walls of the stomach.

For other reasons, we will select the wrong food intakeand various stresses. Remember that to minimize the harmful effects it is desirable to thoroughly chew food, eat slowly and be less nervous. Be healthy!

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