Diathesis is quite commondisease in children of different ages. Some children may have a permanent rash and itching, which can lead to more serious consequences. Other children can safely wear any clothes, eat any food, use any kind of care products and do not experience any allergic reactions. But diathesis is not only a child's disease, adults are also affected. In this article, we will talk about this disease, the causes of its occurrence, symptoms and how to treat diathesis. It's about kids and adults.

Symptoms of diathesis in children

Manifest disease can and from the first day of life, andin adolescence. There is a diathesis in a child up to a year, and sometimes it is 14 years. There are several stages of the disease. Diathesis in infants can be dry and wet. Consider dry diathesis. Symptoms of it - redness, swelling in different places, which is accompanied by itching. On the affected areas the skin is dry, there is a tendency to peeling. There may be ulcers and crusts that can cause a lot of anxiety to babies.

The diaper rash always causes severe itching,accompanied by edema and vesicles. Wet areas arise from the fact that the bubbles burst. This gave the name to this type of diathesis. Often, this form is accompanied by an infection that leads to pustular wounds. Disappears infant diathesis, as a rule, for years to 15. If this does not happen, then it goes into the chronic adult stage and is called neurodermatitis. At the same time on the affected areas the skin itches constantly, becomes more dense and constantly irritated. Manifestations of the disease are observed on the hands, face, inner surfaces of the thighs, in the groin.

Exudative diathesis

A special functional state of the body,which is characterized by increased irritability of the mucous membranes and skin, weakened by adaptation to external conditions, reduced resistance to infection and easy development of pathological processes, is called exudative diathesis. According to the research data, almost more than half of children under the age of 2 are ill with them. The reasons for this may be:

  • Genetic factors: age-related insufficiency of fermentation; immaturity of immunological protection.
  • Predisposing factors: maternal nutrition; toxicosis, fetal hypoxia, the child's CNS, the nature of feeding, the abuse of medicines could be damaged in childbirth.
  • Resolving factors are food allergens.

Treatment of pediatric diathesis

Do not forget that diathesis is notskin disease. It is a skin reaction to some internal or external stimulus. It is important that the disease be treated in a comprehensive manner. A survey is required to find out exactly the cause of diathesis. After that, the doctor will prescribe a diet that will exclude certain foods. If the treatment is successful, then gradually all excluded will return again to the diet.

Hygiene is very important. Where the child spends a lot of time should be very clean. Daily wet cleaning and ventilation should be done. Maybe you have to part with the pets and some plants. Baby clothes and bed linens must be washed with hypoallergenic agents, and hygiene products should also be used.

When treating diathesis, alldoctor's recommendations. He can prescribe medication. Antihistamines are used for these purposes. To care for the affected skin is used ointment from diathesis, in which high content of zinc oxide, for example, "Desitin". Anti-inflammatory baby cream "Drapolen" can well help. In the water in which the child is bathed, wheat bran should be added. When the diathesis is soaked, the oak bark. Assign also the use of bandages with strong brewing, 1 -% solution of methyl blue or fucocin. Another way to treat diathesis in a child. Use chatterboxes with zinc oxide and talc. Do not forget about such means as decoction of queue and chamomile, but with them you should be careful. There is a risk of an allergic reaction.

Diathesis in adults

In fact, adult diathesisa common phenomenon. It passes easier than with children. If children's diathesis is a consequence of an unprotected body's defense system, which causes a malfunction, in adults, the onset of the disease is caused by more complex causes. This may be an indication that the immune system as a whole is not in order.

If several externalfactors: stress, eating disorder, unhealthy diet, bad air or water, then for any substance the body begins to react with immediate release of histamine into the blood. As a result, a characteristic rash appears on different parts of the body, to which various inflammatory processes can be attached.

Types of adult diathesis

Various factors affecting our livesdaily, determine the diversity of forms of diathesis. In real life, diathesis in adults is disguised as other diseases and spreads to various organs. The following forms of diathesis can be distinguished:

  • Allergic, characterized by a rash on the skin, a traditional form.
  • Gastrointestinal - a dysbacteriosis.
  • Diathesis of the kidneys (salt deposits).
  • Lymphatic-hypoplastic. Inclination to such infections that affect the mucous membranes and skin.
  • Nervous-arthritic. Propensity to nervous excitability, causing rashes.
  • Hemorrhagic diathesis. Skin is too sensitive to mechanical influences and prone to bleeding.

Treatment of diathesis in adults depends on the formdisease. If the diathesis caused chemical compounds, then the use of drugs is unacceptable. Only fitotherapy will do. It can be the collection of elecampane, yarrow and gentian. A good remedy is ointment with fir oil, a bath with grated potatoes. From medicines in the treatment of other forms of diathesis, antihistamines are used in the form of tablets or ointments, so that the sensitivity of the skin to allergens is reduced. Now you know all about what diathesis happens and how to treat it. Do not start the disease, no matter what it was. Be healthy!

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