Neuralgia arises when it is squeezed orthe nerve, or the nervous process, is irritated. Most often occurs intercostal neuralgia, neuralgia of the trigeminal and sciatic nerves. Diagnosis of the disease can only a doctor by identifying the symptom, as well as using computer and magnetic diagnostic methods. And, how to treat neuralgia? We will now talk about this.

It is difficult to call neuralgia a young disease. It was described in detail by the doctors of Ancient Greece. In addition, they described ways of treating neuralgia. So, in Greece, this ailment was treated with various intoxicating agents. In Russia they were saved only by conspiracies. And in Assyria, the pressure of the vessels on the neck was applied. Today, the methods have changed quite a lot. But more about them.

How to treat intercostal neuralgia

Intercostal neuralgia manifests itself most often ina kind of periodic attacks of pain. Most often it is accompanied by burning, tingling, as well as numbness of the thoracic region or back. The disease is rather unpleasant, so it is important to know how to treat this type of neuralgia.

Treatment of any neuralgia is, beforeall in the elimination of discomfort, as well as the treatment of the nerves themselves, which provoke pain. In this case, these are intercostal nerves.

In the initial stage of the disease is effectivephysiotherapy, which is prescribed by a doctor. If you treat intercostal neuralgia, then warm compresses will be good 2 times a day. In addition, it is important to use vitamins to help the body cope with the disease. In this case, it is important to use vitamin B. Acupuncture is also an effective way of treating intercostal neuralgia, but it is important to understand that a qualified specialist should carry out this procedure.

When the disease is not yet very strong, so during periods of exacerbation it is important to comply with bed rest or be at rest. It is desirable to lie on a firm and level surface.

In addition, avoid any sudden movements, which can exacerbate the disease. With severe pain, the doctor can prescribe injections of novocain (blockade).

An effective method of treatment of intercostal neuralgia is massage with the use of analgesic or anti-inflammatory ointments. They will help muscles relax and improve blood supply.

How to treat neuralgia with folk methods

Folk methods of treatment can also help withtreatment of intercostal neuralgia. So, a decoction of peppermint is quite useful for relieving pain. To make it, you should brew mint leaves in hot water, then let it brew. Take the broth should be 1 tablespoon twice a day.

You can use the tincture of valerian. To do this, moisten the napkin in a tincture of valerian, then put it in a place where the pain is most acute.

How to treat trigeminal neuralgia

Neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve is characterized bystrong and throbbing pain in the area of ​​the nose, lips, and also jaws. It is in these places that the trigeminal nerve is responsible for innervation. In addition, there may be quite a strong headache.

With neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve, the doctor practicallyalways prescribes drug treatment with drugs such as diphenin, carbamazepine or baclofen. They eliminate the pain syndrome, if the disease is very acute.

In some particularly severe cases of diseasecan prescribe surgical treatment. But, in order to avoid this, in the early stages it is possible to confine oneself only to the treatment of neuralgia at home. And, how to treat neuralgia in popular ways?

  • Most often, people use methods of treatment,for example, a tincture of birch buds. To prepare it, you should pour birch buds with vodka or alcohol. One handful of kidneys account for 500 ml of vodka. The received tincture is recommended to rub twice a day to make compresses.
  • Compresses from the leaves of geraniums are also a fairly effective way of treating neuralgia. Compress is recommended for pain.
  • Baths with oak or fir bark - another way to treat neuralgia at home. You can also use sage or nettle.

In the event that the pain is not strongit is possible to massage the face with the use of anesthetic ointments. If our advice has not helped you, then only a doctor can tell you how to treat neuralgia in your particular case. Be healthy!

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