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How to prick "Fraksiparin"?

Patients prone to thrombosis are prescribedthe drug is fractiparin. For many, the question is how to use it. In this article, we will tell you how to prick fractiparin. Anticoagulant drug, Fraxiparin, refers to preparations of a new generation. It is a low molecular weight heparin. Nadroparin calcium is an active ingredient of fractiparin. It comes into contact with antithrombin III, thereby increasing its blocking effect on the coagulation factor Xa, which is responsible for the transformation into a thrombin of a protrobin. The use of calcium praporin does not allow this transition.

In the fight against thrombosis is best helpedFraxiparin. Its use is described in the instructions to the preparation. Frakssiparin is prescribed by a surgical patient for the duration of the operation for the prevention of thrombosis. Patients with septic-septic processes, with respiratory or acute heart failure, take it for the prevention of thromboembolism. For the same purposes he is prescribed to patients on hemodialysis.

Terms of Use

We shall understand, in what doses the fractiparin is applied. The instruction of the drug says that the dosage should be selected depending on the weight of the patient. Also, the reason for the appointment affects the dosage and the frequency of administration. The instructions say that the drug can be pricked only subcutaneously. Intramuscular and intravenous administration of the drug is not allowed.

Sticking the drug is better in the position of the patient lying down. Do an injection in the stomach. Frakssiparin is injected into the posterolateral or anterolateral abdominal wall alternately, from the left and right side. The needle is inserted, when the drug is administered, strictly perpendicular, directly into the fold of the skin, which must be clamped between the index and thumb. The fold should be held not only at the time when the needle is inserted, but before the end of the complete administration of the drug.

It is not recommended to combine the administration of fractasiparin with potassium-sparing diuretics, NVPs, ACE inhibitors. It is not assigned simultaneously with the Vikassol.

The use of Fraxiparin in pregnancy

In the trimester low molecular weight heparinis contraindicated. If the mother has an antiphospholipid syndrome, the drug can be prescribed in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. This is done for the prevention of thrombosis. It is prescribed for hyperhomocysteinemia, severe gestosis and pre-eclampsia.


Contraindicated fractiparin in thrombocytopenia,increased bleeding, a syndrome of disseminated intravascular coagulation. It should not be administered to people with hemorrhagic stroke, this leads to an increase in the area of ​​the lesion. Those suffering from hypertension and orthostatic hypotension should not take this medication.

It is not recommended for people who have an exacerbationstomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer, possibly bleeding. If you comply with the dosage of the drug, then it is effective enough to combat thrombosis. If the dosage is exceeded, bleeding of different localization may develop. In some cases, transient thrombocytopenia develops.

We described the effect of this drug. You will be useful and other various information about Faraskapin, as stolen-video should be viewed necessarily. Because any injections require attention and a delicate approach.

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