Buryi-beri is a disease whose developmentcontributes to the lack of a vitamin B1 in the human body. This is a form of avitaminosis, which can lead to serious diseases. Vitamin B1, also called thiamine, is involved in metabolic processes. The lack of this vitamin in the human body can lead to the accumulation of pyruvic acid in the blood and to its high concentration in the nervous system. The result of such a violation of the biochemical process may be Wernicke's encephalopathy (brain damage) or polyneuritis (damage to the nervous system). Polyneuritis is just a disease beriberi.

Causes of beriberi disease

As already mentioned, the development of beribericontributes to the lack of vitamin B1. This deficiency arises from the lack of the right amount of this vitamin in the food or because of a violation in the body's ability to perceive it.

In developed countries, such a disease occursrarely because the food of a modern person is rich in vitamin B1, but in regions where the main food is white polished rice, people often suffer from such a disease.

Symptoms of beriberi

Symptoms of beriberi will depend on whichof the systems affected - nervous or cardiovascular, as well as from what type of beriberi hit a person - dry (affects the nervous system) or wet (affects the cardiovascular system).

Symptoms dry beriberi:

  1. loss of coordination;
  2. difficulty walking;
  3. loss of sensitivity;
  4. slurred speech;
  5. paralysis;
  6. unusual sensations in the legs and hands (for example, tingling);
  7. uncontrolled eye movements;
  8. problems with logic and memory;
  9. vomiting;
  10. severe pain and discomfort.

Symptoms of wet beriberi:

  1. fatigue;
  2. increased heart rate;
  3. pain and swelling in the legs, swelling of the cavity;
  4. dyspnea.

Treatment of beriberi

Treatment of this disease mustoccur under the supervision of a doctor. The main principle is to bring the content of vitamin B1 in the human body to normal with the help of special preparations and injections. At the beginning of the disease, it can be quickly and successfully disposed of, but if the disease has already developed seriously, it can lead to serious consequences. In neglected form, beriberi can lead to neurological diseases, psychotic conditions, heart failure, loss of consciousness, coma.

Prevention of the disease is to eat foods rich in vitamin B1.

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