Burn is local damage to body tissues inthe external impact of traumatic factors. There are thermal burns, chemical and radiation burns. Depending on the type of damage, it is also different from what can be burned.

  • Treatment of a wound with a thermal burn. - The wound should be cooled in running water or a container of cool water for at least 15 minutes, then get soaked with a sterile cloth, treat with any disinfectant solution and apply a sterile bandage. If the area of ​​the burn is small (no more than the size of the palm), it can be treated independently. In this case, the treatment of the burn with hydroxy cyclisole, sintomycin emulsion or panthenol gives good results.
  • Than to treat the burn from chemicals. - Chemical burns are complicated by the fact that the chemical can have an additional toxic effect. Therefore, the wound should be washed with running water until the smell of the chemical disappears. Then the affected area is washed with a neutralizing reagent (with an acid burn - 2% solution of baking soda, if the alkali burn is 2% vinegar). After washing on the wound, a sterile bandage is applied without impregnation with medicines. drugs can form compounds with a damaging substance. Then with a chemical burn, despite its size and degree, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
  • Treatment for sunburn - If a personburned in the sun, affected areas of the skin should be coated with Vaseline or moisturizer. If bubbles are formed, it is best to apply a compress with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
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