In most cases, the bones are able to grow togetherwithout deformation, which is most pronounced in children. But, bad health and weak blood circulation, typical for adults, badly affect the process of adhesion. Many people are tormented by the question: how long does the bone grow together? Experts say that the process is individual, but, on average, takes about 10 weeks. Bone growth begins immediately after its fracture and is of two types:

  • Primary, when parts of the bone are connected accurately and fixed securely. There is no need to form a strong callus. The process of regeneration proceeds smoothly, is well supplied with blood.
  • Secondary, with active mobility of bone elements, there is a need for the formation of a powerful callus. Greater mobility of elements leads to disruption of the process of adhesion

It remains to find out how the bones grow together. The process goes through four stages.

Stage one: clot formation

First, at the ends of the broken bone beginsto collect blood, forming clots (in other words a viscous mass). After that, fibers are formed that help the formation of bone tissue. This is a very important process.

Stage two: filling the clot with healing cells

Cells that heal bone (osteoclasts andosteoblasts) begin to fill clots. Osteoclasts are designed to smooth out the jagged parts of the bone, and osteoblasts to fill the voids between the ends. A few days later, a granular bridge that connects the ends of the bone is formed from the cells.

Stage three: the formation of callus

After 6-11 days after the fracture, abone mass, called corn. The material for this is a granular bridge. It is very fragile and can be damaged if you are reckless. Actually, this explains the immobility of the bone when it grows together. With the passage of time, a hard bone forms from the corn.

Stage four: bone fusion

After 2-9 weeks, on new blood vesselsbegins to receive calcium to the problem area, which has a beneficial effect on bone tissue. This process-ossification, connects the broken elements of the bone. Bone is considered healed, after passing through all the stages, and becomes firm. Although the damaged area can be freed from gypsum, it takes about a year to recover.

To make the bones fast, you need to accuratelyfollow the instructions of a specialist and be careful, otherwise, you run the risk of disrupting the healing process. This can contribute to improper bone fusion, along with a poorly performed debridement and unprofessional expert advice. Now you know everything about how and how long the bones grow after trauma.

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