Striving for a healthy lifestyle is oftenleads to uncontrolled consumption of vitamins. Indeed, some substances are not produced by the human body, and therefore, must act in a dosage form. These include folic acid (vitamin B9). And how to take folic acid correctly?

Vitamin B9 for adults

How much folic acid to take depends on your health and age. The daily intake for adults is an average of 400 micrograms (μg).

Sexual differences are not important, except for pregnancy. You can read one more our useful article. How to drink folic acid during pregnancy.

But in the period of her planning men, tooshould take vitamin B9 in an amount of 400 μg to 1 mg with a clear deficit. Its deficiency increases the number of spermatozoa with an incorrect number of chromosomes, which leads to the birth of birth defects in children. The exact content of this element shows only a biochemical blood test.

Oral contraceptives reduce the absorption of folacin. Women who accept them should increase the dose of vitamin B9 to 500-600 mcg. But if the level of estrogen is increased, then it can not be taken.

Children and the elderly

Babies receive up to one year the required number ofmilk of the mother. Further, the need for a growing organism increases: up to 3 years - 70 μg, up to 6 - 100 μg, from 7 to 10 years - 150, 11-14 - 200, up to 18 - 300 μg per day. Parents should not independently prescribe a child a drug.

Elderly people with a deficiency of folic acid cansuffer from cardiovascular diseases, arteriosclerosis, weakening of brain functions. Enough 400 mcg per day, but if there are problems with digestion, the doctor will increase the dose. With a tendency to lose hearing, a 50-70-year-old is prescribed 800 micrograms.

Vitamin B9 is found in several multivitamin complexes. A dose that is necessary to make up for its deficiency can be determined only by a doctor.

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