Every person feels hungry every day. But everyone comes to this in different ways. Clear gluttons eat sometimes even more than the body requires, and they get pleasure from food, and some ascetics eat only as soon as they feel hungry and have a small enough portion. Many people ask why people eat? Let's consider how food affects the body, what it gives and why nutrition is so important for a living organism.

Construction material

Our body is continuously updated. Some cells die, they are replaced by new ones. The rate of their recovery directly depends on the type of cells and the intensity of metabolic processes. A great role in this is played by heredity, lifestyle, the state of the environment and the nature of human thoughts.

Our body is completely renewed, exceptnerve cells, on average for 4 -5 years. Some tissues are slower, others faster. Utilization of dead cells gives energy some part of the material for building new cells, but the main building material is substances coming in with food. That's why you need to eat a person.


The organic substances of the products we eat during oxidation release chemical energy. Thanks to it we move, we maintain the necessary body temperature, so to speak we live.

But this energy did not come out of nowhere. Green plants receive it from the Sun (the reaction of photosynthesis). Animals, using them or other animals for food, "increased meat." It turns out that all of our food is the gift of the Sun, and people are solar by nature.

Impact on the psyche

You probably noticed that the food is fun. So nature took care of self-regulation to ensure the preservation of life. If the stomach is empty, then you feel discomfort and start looking for food, satisfying hunger, feel pleasure. The "carrot and stick" method is a classic option, that's why a person eats.

Studies of scientists have shown that the bulkThe animals receive positive emotions thanks to food. The scheme "hunger - saturation" for a person also works well, but people have many more joys that are unknown to the four-footed.

But the influence of food on the psyche is reduced not only topleasures. Eaten products carry a variety of subtle energies. They can not be measured by conventional instruments or seen by an unprepared person, but their existence does not have to be doubted. People with extrasensory abilities, yogis and some children feel these fields and even see. These vibrations are similar to the energy centers of man and interact with them. These centers are called chakras, and there are quite a few of them.

Each chakra under normal conditions fulfills itshighly specialized function like internal organs. All emotional states of a person are associated with the oppression or excitation of the corresponding chakras.

Any food necessarily carries a certainpower engineering. It affects the chakras, and this directly affects our psyche. The human body is built from food, and its intelligence and senses also depend on it.

So you know why a man is.

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