In modern life, you can change the appearancedifferent ways. But the most faithful and long-term - with the help of plastic surgery. Speaking of rectifying or restoring the nose, this is rhinoplasty. They resort to it, in most cases, on the advice of a doctor, to relieve nasal breathing. But for a short effect, you can resort to the services of cosmetology. This article will tell you how to change the shape of the nose in various ways.

Gymnastics for the nose

With the onset of a certain age,change in the length and shape of the nose. The reason - in the loss of tonus of facial muscles. They, like any other muscles of our body, require additional load to maintain their shape. And so many in old age, and someone before, asks about how to change the shape of the nose. To help come the exercise to change the length of the nose.

The first is to raise the tip of the nose with the forefingerfinger, straining at the same time the muscles of the nose and trying to resist the pressure of the finger. Second - with two fingers pull down the upper lip and release. Repeat up to 30 times. Do this exercise should be 2 times a day. By the end of the week the result will be noticeable. And to consolidate the effect, you need to do these exercises constantly.


Modern medicine allows you not to resort torhinoplasty, and perform contour plasty of the nose, i.e. change the shape of the nose without surgery. To help come injections of beauty - Restylane, Radiesse, etc. It depends on the patient to determine what changes are needed: raise the lowered tip of the nose, fix the bump or the recess on the nose. Advantages of this technique are the following:

  • It takes only an hour for the procedure;
  • there are no side effects to the body;
  • There are no painful sensations during the procedure. anesthesia is carried out with a cosmetic cream, the duration of which is 30 minutes, and during this time the injection is performed;
  • the recovery period takes one day;
  • possible application in adolescence;
  • affordable price of the procedure.


To date, this is the most in-demand operation in themaxillofacial surgery, and it is in the direction of reducing the nose. Because, coming to the plastic surgeon with the task - how to fix the nose, a person asks to adjust the length or width of his nose. Goals can be of a cosmetic nature (to look better), and medical (improve respiratory function).

Fix nasal septum

The change in the nasal septum makes the nasalstroke and prevents breathing normally. It happens that a significant distortion does not affect the nasal breathing, since air without difficulty goes over the curvature or under it. Or, on the contrary, a slight curvature, as a rule, at the nasal entrance, gives a huge discomfort when breathing.

In most cases, the patient comes withto correct a septum of a nose in case of difficulty of respiration by a nose, but sometimes it is accompanied by a headache, pains in an ear area, mucous secretions from a nose, dryness in a throat, etc. The reason for this may be the impact of a distorted part of the nasal septum on the wall of the nose, which irritates the mucous membrane and excites reflex symptoms leading to headache attacks, and even asthma and epilepsy.

The final decision on rhinoplastyis accepted by a surgeon after consultation, with the obligatory study of a person's respiratory function and computer modeling of his nose. Restoration of the nasal septum requires mandatory surgical intervention, so the indications for this are studied very carefully. After all, it is necessary not only to correct the shape of the nose, but to alleviate nasal breathing, to eliminate the resulting effects of deformation, and, on the whole, to normalize the person's breathing.

Often, in addition to medical indicators, the aesthetic effect is also taken into account, then the nasal septum is corrected, and then the alignment of the dorsum of the nose is performed.

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