With the onset of autumn, when the window blowsa dank wind, more and more often drizzles a nasty cold rain and the sun generally ceases to look out from behind the clouds, when the mood drops to zero, you are overcome by spleen and drowsiness, you are without any doubts making a diagnosis - avitaminosis and go to decisive action. It is urgent to save the body from this scourge, then it's time to go to the pharmacy for vitamins. And there they are just not present: in smart glossy boxes decorated with holograms, and in modest white plastic jars, vitamins for pregnant women and for children, vitamins for men, for women, for the elderly or for athletes, you want for a hundred rubles, but you want and for a few thousand, too, there. All of them, if you believe the promises of their producers, raise your immunity, will rejuvenate and rejuvenate the body, protect against the flu and other diseases. But is it really true these promises, whether you need to drink vitamins all the time, and whether to drink vitamins in general or better will refuse to accept them, how not to become a voluntary victim of obsessive advertising - let's try to figure it all out together.

The arguments "FOR"

  • The fact that the deficit of certain vitamins inthe body provokes the development of certain diseases - a fact universally recognized, it is known to everyone else from the school course of biology and is not subject to challenge. Suffice it to recall, which has become a classic example: British sailors dying of scurvy, recovered when they began to eat lemons, containing high doses of vitamin C.
  • The diet of modern man is unbalanced. We increasingly eat fresh fruits and vegetables, unrefined vegetable oils, fish, milk and seafood, and therefore it is becoming increasingly difficult to cover the daily requirement for certain vitamins at the expense of food products.

The arguments "Against"

  • Modern pharmaceutical industry forRecent years have managed to create a real fashion for vitamins. To talk about a healthy lifestyle, numerous pharmacological firms earn billions of dollars a year, selling to credulous customers all sorts of food supplements, slag cleaners, antioxidants and supplements that sometimes not only do not have the promised therapeutic effect, but also openly harm the health of patients.
  • Recently, a growing number of scientiststends to the opinion that artificially created vitamins are more harmful than useful to humans. So, for example, pediatricians began to notice an increase in the number of allergic diseases in children, to whom caring mothers for prophylactic purposes fed large doses of ascorbic acid. The main argument of the opponents of the excessive immersion of people with synthetic vitamins is that they are capable of causing irreversible disturbances in the work of the natural mechanism of protecting the body from adverse environmental influences and internal failures at the cellular level.

The debate over whether to drink vitamins, is still not over and, from time to time, flares up with renewed vigor. But some conclusions from all of the above can still be done.

Drink vitamins:

  • If you are forced to adhere to a rigid diet.
  • If you smoke a lot or abuse alcohol.
  • If you are engaged in heavy physical labor or carry out intensive sports training.
  • If your body is weakened after a serious illness, especially if the treatment was done with antibiotics.
  • If, for reasons beyond your control, you are forced to eat extremely monotonously, mainly canned food, half-finished products or food from fast food establishments.

Future mothers should be especially cautious indeciding whether to drink vitamins during pregnancy. The answer is, of course, "Yes!", But only if the vitamin complexes are assigned to you by a doctor who oversees the course of your pregnancy and whom you certainly trust. No initiative in this matter, remember that uncontrolled intake of vitamins can harm an unborn baby.

All the rest can take vitamins, butonly by courses, preferably under the supervision of a doctor who will help you choose the most suitable vitamin complex for you. Do not take vitamins constantly and haphazardly, remember that they are also medicines that you can not drink just in case, just in case!

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