Bread is more than one thousand years, by right, is consideredone of the main products in the diet of people around the world. Its useful properties and value can not be overestimated. And the aroma of freshly baked bread leaves almost no one indifferent! However, many modern doctors and nutritionists are of the opinion that bread should be excluded from the list of products to all those who follow a diet, follow the figure and their own health. Despite the fact that the beginning of the new century markedly reduced the popularity of this product, bread still remains on the table of many people. So which bread is more useful? And how to choose the right bread, which will not only taste, but will not harm your health?

Wheat or rye?

White or black bread to choose? This question has long been of concern to many. The phrase "Higher grade" causes people's trust and positive emotions. In most cases this is true, but not in the case of flour for bread. Wheat flour of the highest grade, from which such appetizing and beautiful rolls, pies and air bread are obtained, contains the least amount of useful substances due to the processing process. In bread made from white wheat flour, the most so many calories are so hated. In addition, a large amount of white bread in the diet can lead not only to excess weight, but also to more unpleasant consequences: diabetes, heart disease and digestive tract.

On the contrary, rye flour of large grinding, in whicha part of the grain shell is retained, it retains useful properties. Bread from such flour is not so attractive in appearance, however it will help to save the figure and avoid problems with digestion. Black bread (bread with a predominance of rye flour) is recommended even for people with obesity.

Gray bread is made from a mixture of white wheat and rye flour. It is also considered more useful than white bread.

Bread with bran is a natural medicine!

According to most professionals, the mostuseful bread - with bran. Bran removes toxins from the human body, strengthens the immune system and contains a lot of vitamins, fiber and protein. Quite impressive is the list of diseases in which such bread is recommended for inclusion in the diet:

high blood pressure;

  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • cholelithiasis, etc.

Bread with bran excellent digestion, improves the work of the intestines and is much less calories than regular bread.

Dry the biscuits!

Most nutritionists are similar in opinion thatmuch more useful than freshly baked bread is a little dried bread, and also biscuits, especially rye bread. This is due to the fact that fresh bread has the property of rolling down into lumps that are difficult to digest. In addition, it contains a large amount of yeast bacteria that cause the fermentation process. This leads to very unpleasant consequences: gas, pain and irritation of the intestine.

Fresh rye bread is not recommended to eat people,who suffer from high gastric acidity and other diseases of the digestive tract: ulcer, gastritis. However, if such bread is left for a while and dried, most of the volatile acids evaporate, and it can be completely consumed even in dietary nutrition. Suhariki are useful only if they are dried without oil and various additives. Therefore, the widely advertised ready-made biscuits can not be considered useful.

The benefits of bread are unquestionable, but it must be remembered that everything is good in moderation. And even such a question as choosing bread for lunch requires attentiveness, knowledge and a competent approach!

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