Bruises and sprains are the first cause of the formation of soft tissue tumors. Another common cause is insect bites. We will tell you how to remove a tumor that has arisen for different reasons.

Dislocations, sprains, bruises

How to remove a tumor with a bruise, should know infirst of all, the parents of young children, for whom such a trauma is common. Edema and hematoma are formed when blood flows out of damaged capillaries, the integrity of which is disturbed by trauma.

Slow down the blood circulation in the place of injury will helpcold. A cold object that is applied to the bruised place will reduce the swelling. The cold should be affected immediately after getting injured. Ice or chilled metal should be applied for several minutes every half hour on the first day.

In the following days, the cold is no longer needed. On the contrary, it is necessary to apply heat to the bruised area, and also to carry out an easy massage. These actions stimulate blood circulation and promote the fastest recovery. Also, you will benefit from therapeutic ointments against bruises and sprains.

Folk remedies with bruises

An excellent tool for removing tumors from bruisesis a fresh-water sponge. The ointment, made from powdered squirrel and applied in the form of a compress, has an irritating effect (it includes small needles of silicon), stimulating blood circulation. Badyaga is sold in each pharmacy, the proportions and detailed method of application are indicated on its packaging.

Calligraphy fragrant (or golden mustard) is also used to recover from bruises. The tincture of this plant not only resolves bruises, but also acts as a local anesthetic.

Kashitsa, obtained by rubbing onions on a grater, helps from bruises. She is put on a damaged place, bandaged with a bandage, and then - cellophane.

Many people know how to quickly remove a tumor fromhelp of plantain. Its juice is a universal healing remedy. The sheet needs to be cut in several places and attached to the injury. But few know that a cabbage leaf has the same properties and is just as effective. In this case, it is more convenient to use cabbage.

Insect bites

We told how to remove a tumor after a stroke,we pass to the bites of insects. The first thing to do after a bee sting is to remove the sting. Bees leave a sting in the victim, wasps - no. Rinse place quickly washed with water.

The cause of tumors with bee stings and wasps isaction of poison. To neutralize bee venom, the bite site is treated with ammonia or manganese. You can also use onion juice. With the poison, wasps fight lemon juice, table vinegar, or applying a slice of fresh cucumber.

If you become a victim of an exotic bitea spider-like one (often considered erroneous to insects) - a tarantula or other large spider, a scorpion, a phalanx, it is necessary to urgently draw a bitten limb (above the bite), suck the poison and treat the affected area with ammonia. Do not wait for the formation of a tumor, you need to seek medical help.

Tumors of the eye

If the tumor is caused by an allergic reaction,you must leave the area of ​​action of the allergen. After that, take Suprastin, Claritin or another antihistamine. For the prompt removal of the tumor, make a lotion from the tincture of calendula or chamomile or from tea leaves.

If the eye is swollen after biting the midges, use thesesame lotion. Also, what can be removed from the swelling of the eyes is the ice compress. To scratch an eye or rub it is not worth it. This will not only not help, but will also prolong the healing process.

Removing the swelling under the eyes will helpa fifteen-minute compress of potatoes, which was rubbed on a small grater. Also suitable tea-making or a slice of fresh cucumber. However, these are temporary means. The true cause of the formation of these edema may become known after examination of the whole organism (the fault may be a violation of blood circulation or kidney work or other causes).

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