Sometimes trouble awaits us where they areyou do not expect at all - for example, under a pleasant summer sun. It is enough to sit under the scorching rays very little, and a heat stroke is guaranteed. In this article, we will instruct you on what should be the first aid for a heat stroke. By the way, heat stroke can be obtained not only under the hot sun, but also working in a hot room, or being in a bath.

How to recognize

Remember that a heat stroke is a condition,which is caused by a general overheating of the body. This means that the main functions of thermoregulation can not cope with their duties, and subsequently there is a serious threat to life. First aid for a heat stroke should be prompt and timely. In all people, the symptoms of heat stroke may vary depending on the characteristics of the body and related diseases. And, nevertheless, physicians distinguish some common symptoms.

  • The most important symptom is a high body temperature, if it reaches 40 ° C, then the disease is considered of moderate severity, if on a thermometer above 40 ° C, then this is already a severe form;
  • one of the symptoms associated with the mental state, namely - depression, reluctance to move and blurred consciousness;
  • In addition, headaches and pains in the heart may occur;
  • possible pressure jumps and changes in skin - the skin becomes hot and dry, then vice versa - cool with sweat;
  • from a heat stroke, the head may become dizzy, breathing may become more frequent, nausea may occur;
  • tachycardia is not excluded;
  • because of overheating, the blood flows from the brain, and as a result, there may be a loss of consciousness, a cramp, or even a coma;
  • children may experience nasal bleeding.

How to help

So, consider first aid in case of heat stroke. First of all, it should be aimed at cooling the body. What do we do?

  • help the victim from overheating to go to a place darkened and well ventilated;
  • Remove clothing that prevents the body from cooling and making breathing difficult;
  • First aid for a thermal shock suggests the following: give the patient a validol under the tongue, as well as mint drops or a mint candy to facilitate breathing and the condition as a whole;
  • prepare for the fact that the victim will tear, so in a timely manner remove the dentures;
  • if there was a heat stroke, first aid alsocan be associated with cooling the body. Wet it with water, or wrap it in a wet sheet. If the latter is not possible, wrap the patient's head with a wet towel, moisten the clothes and open areas of the body to lower the temperature;
  • experts advise to give the victim salt water in an amount not less than one liter for several methods;
  • first aid with a thermal shock also reduces to a closed heart massage, if the situation so requires. You may also need artificial respiration and dantrolene injection.

It is very important to remember that a heat stroke canentail serious complications such as edema of the brain and lungs. Therefore, if a heat stroke occurs, first aid is given and the patient feels well, do not risk, call an ambulance.

How to protect yourself from overheating

Following a few simple recommendations, you will be able to avoid such unfortunate consequences as an overheating of the body.

  • do not need to sit under the open sun during the hours of its special activity - from 12 to 17. If you still needed to go somewhere at this time, try to be in the shade;
  • if you are on the street, protect your head with a hat or panama;
  • clothes should be light, made of natural fabrics;
  • so that you do not have to test yourself with the help of a thermal shock, drink as much liquid as possible in a volume of at least two liters per day.
  • from carbonated drinks and alcohol in the heat is better to abstain;
  • In abnormally hot weather, avoid physical exertion, as well as stuffy rooms, where there is a high probability that you will become ill.

In order to prevent a heat stroke, first aid presupposes a preventive measure, such as increased attention to one's body, which reacts sensitively to any changes in the environment.

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