The emergence of household appliances microwaveovens was accompanied by the simultaneous appearance of various kinds of rumors that these devices, apart from consumer use, are causing a lot of harm to a person. And no one gave a precise answer to the question whether the microwave oven is harmful to human health. There were statements about the adverse effect of microwaves on the development of the baby in the womb and other "bugbears." It was claimed that cooking in the microwave oven is harmful because of the formation of carcinogens in food. Let's deal with these statements in order.

The harmful the microwave: radiation

It is the microwave radiation that is called the factor,because of which the microwave is harmful. Multiple studies argue that it is not worthwhile to be near the oven at the time of its operation and very often use it to avoid causing blood cancer. Pregnant women are an instrument and should not be avoided at all. Of course, such statements are partly true. But do not be so afraid of harm from the microwave.

Such statements are largely exaggerated. Modern models of this household appliance are equipped with powerful protective screens on the doors, by means of which the microwave rays do not penetrate outside. If you do not use a stove with an open door, then you should not be afraid for your health.

The myth of the harm of a microwave came about on the basis ofthe confusion of its radiation with radio waves of very different frequencies. And although the latter are formed from devices that are usual for us, such as cellular phones, computers and TVs, we do not stop using them and do not throw them at the dump. What is worse than a microwave oven? And is it worth it to be so afraid if it is equipped with protection against these waves? Obviously, it's not worth it.

Harm from the microwave oven: heating

It is the method of heating food that can be calledthe main harmful factor of the microwave oven. The fact is that the food in it is prepared by heating the inside of the water molecules contained in the food. Microwaves, radiated by a special device of the furnace - a magnetron, change the polarity of water molecules, causing them to rotate and warm up at the same time. Such heating transfers heat energy to other food molecules. But at the same time there is a molecular disintegration with the destruction of amino acids, vitamins and the formation of free radicals, whose effect on the body can not be called favorable. They are able to accumulate and cause oncological ailments.

How to reduce in red from a microwave oven?

In fact, there are few ways to reduce harm from a microwave oven. Here are some of them:

  • Use it as rarely as possible.
  • Change the heater after the end of life.
  • Do not violate its modes of operation.
  • Do not feed infants with food warmed up in it.
  • Do not put objects that are not intended for heating in the oven.

Is the microwave oven harmful or not? The history of the microwave oven, used in everyday life today already throughout the world, is almost half a century old. Studies on its effect on the human body have been carried out repeatedly, and the harm of the microwave has been repeatedly confirmed. Although the scientists did not decide how unfavorable its use.

Objectively speaking, along with all thoseThe undesirable factors with which we have to face every day, the adverse effects of the microwave oven is lost and it seems quite insignificant.

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