Probably, there is not a single product that calledthere would be as much controversy as mushrooms. Doctors almost unanimously oppose. Nutritionists often talk about their benefits. So is it worth using this product and can you eat mushrooms pregnant?

Benefit and harm

In mushrooms there are vitamins A, B, P, and C. They contain trace elements such as copper, zinc and nicotinic acid. Mushrooms are also a source of protein.

However, this protein is difficult to digest by the body. Thus, it is believed that in children up to 8-10 years of age there is no enzyme at all, splitting the protein contained in the fungi.

Fungi also have the property of accumulating harmful substances from the environment: lead, salts of heavy metals, etc. That is why poisoning is so frequent even with edible species of mushrooms.

So there are mushrooms you can, but with great care.

Mushrooms during pregnancy

And can mushrooms be pregnant? Doctors answer this question unequivocally: NO. After all, the liver of a pregnant woman works with a doubled load, and the protein, which is difficult for digestion, can be beyond her power. Mushrooms often cause allergies. Their use can cause severe toxicosis.

It should be borne in mind that the consumption of fungi adversely affects not only the liver and digestive system of the future mother, but also the child.

If you really want mushrooms

Pregnant, as you know, people are capricious. What to do if you really want mushrooms? So you can? We will try to warn future mothers. If you decide that without mushrooms you do not live, follow such rules. Do not eat mushrooms collected in nature (even you personally): they could grow at the side of the road, near harmful production.

Buy in shops mushrooms grown in greenhouses: champignons, oyster mushrooms, honey agarics, butter mushrooms. The product should be well inspected: the fungi must be fresh, without mold and worms.

You can eat pregnant only boiled or stewed mushrooms, and in small quantities. And the heat treatment should last about an hour.

And whether it is possible to eat mushrooms pregnant, if theyfried, pickled, salted, dried? Such mushrooms are not for future mothers. They do not contain useful substances and can cause swelling, pain in the stomach, discomfort in the intestines.

So, despite all the useful properties of mushrooms, it is better to be pregnant for their use.

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