We all do not like to be sick. The temperature, throat hurts, bones ache, or maybe worse. In serious cases, we immediately rush to the doctor, and he prescribes antibiotics. Further pills, injections, bed rest and, as many doctors say: "Not a drop of alcohol!" Is it true? Can alcohol with antibiotics be taken at the same time? Or is it just a settled delusion?

The myth of alcohol and antibiotics

Many historians-researchers claim that the myththe complete incompatibility of alcohol and antibiotics goes back to the time of the Second World War. The wounded and sick were so many that penicillin was worth its weight in gold. It was sorely lacking. And resourceful nurses and doctors found a way out. They began to re-extract the medicine from the urine of patients who had already been treated with the drug. But in the event that soldiers drank alcohol (such as beer) during treatment, it was much more difficult and sometimes impossible to do. It is this myth that still holds in the minds of doctors and ordinary people.

Can I drink alcohol while taking antibiotics?

Antibiotics in themselves - a strong stress forall systems of the body. They affect the liver and kidneys especially. During such treatment our organism works "in a strengthened mode". Disease and so weakens it, and if you still add alcohol, many organs will be subject to excessive strain.

In the official medicine, specialStudies on the combination of antibiotics and alcohol. It turned out that some of them are completely incompatible with the degrees of alcoholic beverages. For example: furazolidone, latamoxef, cefmenoxime, amoxicillin, cefamandol, ketoconazole, cefoperazone, tinidazole, levomycetin and metronidazole. If they are "hot", they can be headache, vomiting, nausea, weakness and some other serious problems.

Get well and do not get sick!

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