It happens, there is a need to cause liquidchair for medicinal purposes. For this, as a rule, all kinds of laxatives are used. In addition, there are various folk methods. About how to cause diarrhea without "pharmacy" funds, we'll talk further.

Why artificially cause diarrhea

The fact is that many problems with the GIT system, andhealth in general, arise because of the contamination of the digestive tract by the remnants of digestion. The intestines of the intestines are clogged, which is why the nutrients that get into the body with food are worse absorbed. As a result, the body lacks the necessary substances. Moreover, "stuck" in the intestine remnants eventually grow rot and wander, which leads to the formation of toxins in the body. The latter are absorbed into the blood and spread throughout the body, causing malaise, headaches, weakness and other ailments. That is why it is very important to periodically cleanse the digestive tract, causing diarrhea.

How to cause diarrhea at home

The most effective method to cause a loose stoolis the use of enema. It can be done simply with warm boiled water, and also with the use of lemon juice, apple cider vinegar or herbal decoctions. You can also use an enema with a solution of sodium chloride.

The enema works great for constipation, andprovides effective removal of toxins and toxins. For serious chronic gastrointestinal problems, deep cleansing by means of consecutive enemas in the morning and in the evening is recommended. However, in speaking of this type of purification, the following should be said. Too frequent enemas clearly do not benefit the body. On the contrary, they can lead to permanent constipation. In the future, in order to achieve an arbitrary chair, you will have to make serious efforts, because the body will simply get used to outside help.

Laxative products

You can cause diarrhea by drinking several mealsspoons of vegetable oil. Many people are helped by the use of products that are incompatible with the conditions of digestion. For example, fish and milk. Continuing the conversation about laxative products, we can not say about the bran. They contain a lot of coarse fiber and a set of vitamins B. Good action is provided by dishes made of pumpkin. For example, pumpkin porridge. Some people are helped more than the pumpkin prunes, from which you can make broths. By the way, broths from prunes can be given even to kids for up to a year. Excellent laxative effect and have plums. Some nutritionists, in order to induce diarrhea, offer a special salad consisting of carrots, celery, cabbage, turnips and beets.

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