Often a person, after passing tests and looking throughthen the results, trying to remember, and what is the leukocytes, it seems, was taught in school ... Well, forgetfulness of school knowledge is not uncommon. However, today there are wonderful tools that will help remember everything. This, for example, this site and, in particular, this article.

Leukocytes: definition and function

So, white blood cells. These are white (or rather, transparent) blood cells or cells. They come in different types and sizes, but they share one common function, namely, protecting our body from infections. The main types of leukocytes are neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes and lymphocytes.

Some leukocytes are able to absorb,actually ingest and digest microorganisms and other foreign bodies. They easily penetrate into any foci of infection. With a large number of foreign bodies, these heroic leukocytes (or phagocytes, as they are also called) swell up to huge sizes and are destroyed. They are replaced by new ones, even more. All known pus and there is just a cemetery of leucocytes dead.

Other leukocytes can produce antibodies capable of destroying foreign protein molecules that have entered the body.

What is the leukocytes in the blood?

In the blood of leukocytes, usually from 4 to 9 million per ml.

If the number of leukocytes significantly exceedsthese values, then surely in the body is some sort of inflammatory process. It can also be with leukemia, extensive burns, heart attack and other diseases.

Lack of leukocytes in the blood indicates a weaknessimmune system and can be caused by exposure to radiation, the intake of certain medications, certain cancers, vitamin B12 deficiency, malaria, influenza, viral hepatitis and other factors.

What is white blood cells in the urine?

In the urine of leukocytes can be up to 4000 per 1 ml. A significant excess of white blood cells indicates an acute or chronic inflammation of the kidneys or urinary tract. This can be seen visually, the urine becomes slightly unclear.

However, I wish you to avoid these terrible ailments. Be healthy.

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