Since we are talking about how to cure alcoholism, it means that we understand that this is not a bad habit, but a serious illness.

With the development of alcoholism in humans in the bodythere are major changes in the metabolism leading to physical and mental dependence on alcohol. In fact, the alcoholic's body, thus, requires him to drink alcohol. With abstinence from alcohol, an alcoholic develops an abstinence syndrome, sometimes so pronounced that medical help is needed to stop it.

Alcoholism is a progressive chronic disease leading to a complete loss of personality and other negative consequences in the absence of treatment.

The question of how to cure a patient of alcoholism,often not only doctors-narcologists, but also other medical experts hear. Unfortunately, it is completely impossible to cure alcoholism. All modern methods of treatment of this disease can only stop its further progression, transfer it to the inactive phase, the so-called state of remission.

Remission with alcoholism can lastdecades, and for many patients they persist for life. During this period the patient does not use any alcoholic beverages and leads a normal life. But people with alcoholism and their relatives should know that remission will last until the patient for some reason drinks an alcoholic drink. After that, there is again a craving for drinking alcohol, and the disease begins to progress again.

Modern pharmaceutical preparations,appointed by a doctor-narcologist to a patient with alcoholism, help to remove the withdrawal syndrome, form an aversion to alcohol. But without a long psychotherapy, which forms a different life position for the patient, where there is no place for alcohol, the remission achieved will not last long.

To understand how to cure alcoholism is not enough. It is important to be able to convince the patient himself that he is sick and needs treatment. In cases where people with alcoholism are aware of the danger of their illness and voluntarily apply for narcological care, the effect of treatment is the most persistent, and often achieved remission lasts a lifetime.

How to cure a husband of alcoholism

Living with a drinking husband is a real hell for his wife. Endless drinking, lack of money, assault, chronic stress for children, and, as a consequence, their illnesses - these are all the consequences of alcoholism. But, unfortunately, very many men, and their wives, tired of arguing with them, unfortunately come to the conclusion that alcoholism is a disease that scandals and persuasions can not cope with.

How to cure alcoholism of a husband, how to save a loved oneman, how to return the children of the father? Almost every night the alcoholics' wife thinks about this. And it's very good that they think about their husbands and are ready to help them. It is proved that without the support of a loving wife to cure alcoholism is much more difficult.

Living with her husband - an alcoholic is difficult, but a womanmust be able to become strong and independent. In some cases, seeing how the wife has changed, the man begins to realize that he can lose it and he himself turns to the narcologist for help.

A wife should not argue with her husband, but find an approach to him and convince him that he is seriously ill and can not cope with this situation without the help of a doctor.

After the course of treatment the wife shouldtake care of that in their house there was no more a place for alcoholic beverages. Remember that even a small intake of alcohol will negate all the treatment that is being conducted and cross out the results!

How to cure alcoholism with folk remedies

At the heart of most of the recipes of folk medicinefor the treatment of alcoholism is one principle: the development of the patient's aversion to alcoholic beverages, nausea, vomiting. To achieve this effect, the patient is mixed into food or vodka with a small amount of a decoction of certain medicinal plants that have vomiting action (lovage, European chop, etc.).

Disadvantages of this treatment of alcoholism israpid fading of the conditioned conditioned reflex, as a result of which the remissions achieved are short. As already mentioned, without full-fledged treatment, changing the stereotype of thinking alcoholism is almost impossible to cure.

Advantages of methods of folk therapy isthat they can be used without the knowledge of the patient. But everyone is well aware that it is very difficult and sometimes impossible to talk to a doctor who is suffering from alcoholism.

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