One fine morning you wake up withan unpleasant sensation in the nose. It's impossible to breathe through it, the nose is laid, and you can blow your nose or not, or the handkerchief is wet right through five minutes. Common situation? Probably everyone in my life had a cold at least once. But someone had it in an easy form and practically did not interfere, and someone had the nose completely, which prevented them from breathing normally, eating and sleeping. Today we will talk about what to do if the nose is laid.

Causes of a cold

A nasal rhinitis is called a rhinitis. Rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, which is accompanied by swelling due to a strong expansion of the blood vessels in the nose. Because of inflammation, an excessive amount of mucus begins to be produced, which is popularly called snot. Causes of the common cold may be different. Rhinitis may occur as a result of a cold, but may result from an allergic reaction. There is also a so-called seasonal runny nose, which can last for 2 weeks. The reasons we found out, but what if the stuffy nose?

Traditional medicine

To quickly cure your nose, you need tofirst correctly determine the cause of the onset of a cold. If the cold is caused by a cold, the first couple of days can use special drops from the common cold: Tizin, Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Galazolin, Olint, Xylen, Otrivin. Drops can ease your condition, but you can not use them for long.

Many complain that the drops do not help, that their action is equivalent to pouring ordinary water into the nose. The problem may be that some people do not properly dig in the nose.

How to use drops

  1. Do not strongly throw back the head - half of the medicine will go into the throat, and not reaching the focus of the disease.
  2. Better lie on the couch or bed on your side, place a small pillow under your head.
  3. Imagine that you swallow food, while making a swallowing movement, stay in the middle. Thus, you will create an air stopper between the pharynx and nose that will not allow the medicine to go through the throat.
  4. Bury the medicine in the nostril, which is located closer to the pillow, while trying to hold your breath for a minute. Then lie down on the other side and do the whole procedure with the second nostril.
  5. So the drops will act as effectively as possible and will not fall into the throat.

You can also try special sprays fornose. Their advantage is that, unlike drops, sprays are evenly distributed throughout the inner surface of the nose, and therefore more effectively cured of rhinitis.

If the common cold does not pass in any wayduring the first three days of treatment, you need to go to the doctor, otherwise you can start the disease. Not cured in time runny nose can lead to complications, in particular, to sinusitis.

If you are not sure that you havecold coryza, do not use any medications, but rather go straight to the doctor. If the common cold is of an allergic origin, then the usual remedies for a cold catch cold will not help.


What to do if the nose is laid, and you do not want to use medicines from the pharmacy or not? Turn to folk remedies! Here are a few:

  • Hot tea with lime, honey and raspberries.
  • Hot baths for feet.
  • Carrot drops for the nose. To do this, mix the carrot juice and boiled water in a 1: 1 ratio and use as a drop for the nose.
  • Alternative to the previous medicine - juice of onions or beets with vegetable oil or garlic juice, diluted in honey.

You can moisten a soft cloth in kerosene, squeeze it and put it to the feet. After - put on woolen socks, warmly wrap your feet and go to bed. In the morning should ease, perhaps, the common cold will disappear altogether.

Drops of spruce cones have bactericidaland help in the fight against the common cold. Take 100 g of immature cones, fill in 0.5 l. boiled water and put on a weak fire for half an hour. After this, insist for 3-4 hours and strain through gauze. The resulting infusion should be heated and then can be used as drops for the nose.

From a chronic cold, and also from a verySalted lavage will help to build up the nose. To do this, take not very warm water, lightly salt and add 1 teaspoon to it. infusion of calendula. Everything must be mixed and rinsed with this mixture of nose. How to do it? Pour the medicine in a saucer, draw it through the nose (alternately through both nostrils) and release through the mouth. You need to do this without raising your head until the medicine in the saucer is finished. The procedure is repeated 2 times a day. Pleasant little, but it will help! If the calendula has nowhere to take, you can simply use a saline solution.

Now you know what to do if the nose is laid. Good luck and do not be ill!

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