Probably, every once in a lifetime encounteredsuch a problem as the unpleasant smell of feet. Why do feet start to smell bad? If you spend all day in the shoes - sit or walk, then the legs while sweating strongly. Sweat consists of 98% water, 2% salt, microelements, acids, hormones. The sweat itself has no unpleasant odor. This smell is provoked by bacteria, which in huge numbers live on our feet. They are very fond of a moist environment (that is, sweat) and feed on dead skin cells of the legs. They begin to multiply actively, and not only the feet smell, but also socks, tights, shoes. To increase sweating can be affected by acute, salty foods, as well as stressful situations, when sweating as a whole increases. After such critical situations, it is good to take a shower and wash your feet. Another cause of unpleasant odor is the foot fungus. The causative agent of the disease is a fungus - it's easiest to pick up in the pool, in the bath, on the beach. Often this problem worries elderly people; people with diabetes, some cardiovascular diseases - the feet are often infected, covered with ulcers. Therefore, if the smell is very strong and persistent, then it can signal about any serious illness. In this case, do not delay your visit to the doctor.

But let's dwell in more detail not on the causative appearance of an unpleasant odor, but consider the ways that will keep your feet "fresh."

How to get rid of the smell of feet?

  • The first and main rule, as it is not trite -Every day you have to wash your feet, even if you did not go out all day to the street. Wash your feet thoroughly, use a deodorant or bactericidal soap. After washing, wipe the skin with a towel.
  • Change socks every day. Preferably buy socks and tights from natural fabrics, which absorb moisture well. Synthetic fabrics, in contrast, do not allow the skin to stop breathing and contribute to a greater sweating. If in the evening it seems to you that your socks or tights are clean and do not smell then, still wash them - because they have accumulated a large number of bacteria.
  • A simple but effective remedy for an unpleasantodor - an ordinary black tea. Make a foot bath with freshly brewed strong tea. Hold in the foot solution for about 10 minutes, then rinse. Black tea contains tannic acid, which tightens pores and kills bacteria. Leaflets of black tea will also help to rid the shoes of an unpleasant smell if you put them on a couple of days in shoes.
  • Lavender essential oil has a gooddeodorizing and antimicrobial effect. Rub a few drops of oil before going to sleep with massage movements. After you put on cotton socks and go to sleep. Before use, test for oil tolerance - drip 1 drop on the back of the palm and wait a couple of hours. If you do not see red spots on the skin and do not feel burning, then you can safely use lavender oil.
  • Cosmetical tools. Modern manufacturers offer a huge selection of all kinds of foot care products: deodorants and special foot creams help to get rid of unpleasant odor, talc and powder reduce sweating, foot bath compositions will take care of your feet. A wide selection of these products you can easily find in any cosmetic store. If you use a special deodorant for your feet, do not put it between your fingers. Talc or powder for feet apply on the washed up dried skin, before to put on pure socks. These agents adsorb excess moisture and neutralize harmful bacteria. Proposed by the manufacturers of cream, promise to help you get rid of the smell of the feet, due to the normalization of sweating. Cream should usually be applied on clean feet before going to bed. Some of the funds are for daily use, others need to be applied once a week.
  • Baths for the feet. The network has a lot of folk recipes, how to make foot baths, which will save you from an unpleasant smell. It is recommended to use natural remedies such as oak bark, horsetail, nettle, mint, sage and chamomile. Extracts of these plants have a beneficial effect on the skin of the feet, they are well deodorized. In addition to vegetable baths, it is advised to also make foot baths with table salt or vinegar.
  • Suit reasonably for the choice of shoes. For each season, have several pairs of shoes (at least two). Ventilate and dry shoes well. Do not wear raw shoes. Dry your shoes, stuffing it with crumpled paper, or use a special dryer for shoes. It is not recommended to wear one pair of sneakers for more than 3 years. Avoid too tight, squeezing shoes, as well as shoes made of artificial materials that do not allow the skin to breathe. Observe the rules for the care of shoes. Some footwear, especially sports, must be washed once a month. The same goes for home slippers. If the insoles are not glued in the shoes, they too must be removed, dried and sometimes washed or changed to new ones.

Here are some simple guidelines to help youunderstand how to get rid of the smell of feet. Observe personal hygiene, go in the summer barefoot on the grass - this will increase the tone of the skin of the legs. If the smell becomes unbearable, chases you around and no tips help, it's best to see a doctor. Health to you and your feet!

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