Duphaston is a medicinal product,designed to increase the number of female sex hormone (progesterone) in the body. Progesterone relaxes the smooth musculature of the uterus and promotes a normal stay in the body of the mother of the fetus. Let's see when and how to drink Duphaston ...

Drinking Duphaston during pregnancy is necessary in those cases when there is a threat of premature interruption. Also, Dufaston is used as a drug to help a woman become pregnant.

Drinking Duphastan during pregnancy completelysafe for both the mother and the fetus. Moreover, doctors say that sometimes it is even desirable to use it. However, the drug is prescribed only by a doctor. He chooses an individual course of treatment, which depends on the pathology that caused the threat of miscarriages of the fetus. Also, the doctor will take into account the individual features of the menstrual cycle of women. As a rule, drinking Dufaston during beremennosti needed in the course of the first 16 weeks. The cancellation of the drug, if necessary, can not be performed in a flawed manner, as it may lead to uterine bleeding and miscarriage. Therefore, you should gradually reduce the dose by 1 tablet a day until the complete stopping of Dufaston.

Dufaston helps to heal from infertility (ifinfertility provoking a lack of progesterone). In addition, this drug contributes to the preservation of pregnancy, so it is recommended to appoint it to all pregnant women who are at risk of miscarriage, and women who very often can not report the child. Dufaston helps to fill the lack of progesterone in the female body. Duphaston performs a relief of embryotoxic effect (embryotoxic effect and leads to miscarriages that occur in the first trimester of pregnancy).

There are some contraindications to the application of this drug:

  • presence of Rotor syndrome and Dabin-Johnson syndrome;
  • individual intolerance to any of the components of Dufaston.
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