It often happens that when you are resting in a company, at home orin the club, someone has an idea: "And let's smoke a hookah!". Almost always this idea finds support in the team. Why? What is so attractive in smoking hookah, is it legal, and most importantly, is it not harmful for health? In this article we will try to talk about what is harmful about the hookah.

What is a hookah

Hookah is a device for smoking, in whichtobacco is installed in a special cup, covered tightly with foil, and a smoldering piece of charcoal is placed on top. It is he who provides a long burning of tobacco. Tobacco smoke, passes down the tubes into a special flask, where liquid is poured. Usually, water is used, but some gourmets smoke hookah on milk or wine. This gives a special smack of tobacco smoke. As a rule, tobacco itself is bought with different tastes: peach, cherry, caramel and others. After passing through the flask with liquid, the cooled smoke gets into the mouthpiece, then into our lungs.

Hookah against cigarettes

Disputes over the fact that it is harmful - a hookah or cigarettes, have not ceased long ago.

Many hookah smokers insist that smokinghookah not only more pleasant than ordinary cigarettes, but also safer. This is explained by the fact that the smoke is filtered through the water, so tar and other harmful substances remain in the water. In addition, tobacco has no paper, as in cigarettes, the burning of which is also accompanied by the release of harmful substances. Finally, tobacco does not come into contact with open fire, but receives heat from the smoldering coal, that is, it does not burn, but dries up. However, research tells us that all of the above is nothing more than a myth.

  • In hookah tobacco, the content of nicotine is0.05%, and this is 7 times more than in a cigarette. In addition, the smoke passing through the water contains more carbon monoxide than the cigarette. And in one session, the hookah smoker receives a nicotine portion equal to 20 cigarettes.
  • Often after particularly long smoking sessionshookah, which can last for several hours, people felt dizzy, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing. Studies have shown that in the blood of such smokers the concentration of nicotine, lead, arsenic, carboxyhemoglobin is much higher than those who smoke cigarettes. It follows that those who smoke hookah, are even more prone to heart disease, blood vessels, lung cancer, oral cavity, pregnancy and neonatal abnormalities, breathing problems.
  • Another popular myth associated with hookah,says that such smoking is not addictive. But doctors say that hookah smokers are also addicted to nicotine. Studies conducted in the United States show that 40% of those who "dabbled" hookah subsequently became smokers. Because the body, accustomed to nicotine, began to demand it in places where the hookah is actually not: at work, studying, in the store, and they had to quench this thirst with ordinary cigarettes.
  • German scientists have proved that through the mouthpiece inthe body receives far more harmful compounds than cigarettes containing the strongest tobacco, even in the absence of a filter. The amount of nicotine in the blood of such people is several times higher than that of people who smoke simple cigarettes. Lungs eventually lose elasticity and the ability to filter smoke, removing toxic substances from it. In addition, through the mouthpiece, transmitted in a circle, you can pick up various diseases.
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