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Why do crunches of joints?

Almost every person has ever heard thisThe sound, if not from his own body, but from the body of a person next to him, who has unsuccessfully crouched or stood up or bent his hand, something and specially snaps his fingers. Physicians still argue on the topic of why the joints crunch, so there are several points of view on this phenomenon.

Why joints crackle

  • The structure of the joint is broken - the joint surfaces do not coincide and can extend beyond the edges of the joint box and meet the joint surfaces when the position changes.
  • Because of the inflammation of the adjacent muscle,at which the click itself arises in this case is not completely clear, but some doctors adhere to the theory and believe that the joints crunch as a result of overload or fatigue. In the same case, a crunch can occur if you have been in one position for a long time, and then decided to change it, whether it is a leg, arm or neck, especially if the organ had a load, it is quite possible the joint will crackle.
  • Hypermobility - the name of the structurejoint at which he is too mobile. This is a congenital anomaly (it is not so rare). At the same time parts of the joint can practically collapse, without causing a person special pain, and returning to the place they create the same crunch.
  • Osteoarthritis is a disease in which wearJoints, or rather cartilages, located inside them. This disease is almost inevitable in old age, but there are cases when this disease appears much earlier. Why joints crunch in this case: parts of the joint that are joined and simultaneously separated by cartilage, because the cartilage is worn out cease to be mobile, the joint loses its flexibility and a crunch arises.
  • The consequences of injuries - with injuries not onlyjoints, but also fractures and fissures of bones, often there are damages of vessels and tissues that are adjacent to the joint. Their inflammation or densification during restoration makes it difficult for the joint to move.
  • Overabundance of salts in the joint - in this case, saltaccumulates hardens and strengthens bones and cartilages, as well as the adjacent muscles, all this makes it difficult for the joint to move and can cause painful sensations. Such disorders affect people who live in areas where drinking water is saturated with mineral salts.

More often than not, the crunch is, if not an isolated event, rather innocuous. But if you experience pain, you should consult a doctor and find out why the joints crack in your case.

What to do if joints crunch:

  • Do not sit in one position - change the pose, if possible, do workouts and exercises every couple of hours, especially if you have a sedentary job.
  • Unload the joint and provide it with rest -first remove the load from it (if the leg - to lie down, if the neck, then put it on the pillow, etc.), secondly, ensure the joint rest - for this fit elastic bandages and special fixatives. Gradually the joint will recover from fatigue and the inflammation will pass. Do not overdo the bandages, be sure to have a normal flow of blood to the joint.
  • Use anti-inflammatory ointments, such as fastum gel and others.
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