Yesterday you had a good walk with your friends, andthe next morning, looking in the mirror, found that you are devilishly swollen face! Or all day it was necessary "to run", and in the evening legs or foots became absolutely "wadded" and swelled up? There can be no doubt: you have swelling. Only here is how much serious - depends on the reason of its occurrence. So why are the hands and feet swelling, and the rest of the body? Much depends on the nature of edema. Swelling can be temporary and permanent, local and general. Edema is the accumulation of a large amount of excess fluid in the body (more than 2 liters).

Temporary edema

Temporary edema appears as a result of influenceon the body of an allergen or negative living conditions. Such edema disappears after a while, when the causes of their occurrence are eliminated. These include:

  1. harmful effects of alcohol
  2. lack of sleep
  3. overheating in the sun
  4. abuse of sweet and salty foods
  5. taking a lot of fluids at night
  6. oral contraceptives
  7. overweight
  8. period before menstruation in women
  9. passive lifestyle

Constant edema

Constant or regular swelling occurs on otherreasons often incomprehensible to the patient himself, and do not disappear for a long time. These swellings signal serious problems in the body. For their elimination, consult a doctor. For example, people suffering from heart disease begin to sweat around their legs and waist, and those who have kidney problems - face and hands.

The causes of edema in the legs

Edema of the lower extremities is very common. Why swell the legs? Often leg edema is accompanied by another illness and is its unpleasant consequence. Diseases associated with leg swelling:

  1. Heart diseases.
  2. Phlebeurysm. Edema with this disease develops slowly, is noticeable late in the evening. The more the disease develops, the more swelling becomes. Skin in their place can change color. Edema is asymmetrical and can be different in size.
  3. Deep vein thrombosis. Edema in this disease affects the soft tissues of one or both legs, while not disappearing for several hours or several days.
  4. Thrombophlebitis of deep and superficial veins. Edema is accompanied by inflammatory signs: fever, redness, pain near the vein.
  5. Disturbance of lymphatic fluid outflow through the lymphatic vessels.
  6. Kidney pathology. Edema spreads on the back of both legs. Side signs are the swelling of the eyelids, dark circles under the eyes, a change in the color of urine.
  7. Acute respiratory infection. Swelling of the legs is a consequence of the disease and a sign of a kidney problem.
  8. Diseases of the intestine. Puffiness with these diseases externally resembles swelling in the kidneys, often accompanied by diarrhea.
  9. Diseases associated with the thyroid gland. Edema is elastic, located at the lower legs. Additional signs: swelling of the tongue and shoulders, drowsiness, lethargy, constipation.

Frequently Asked Question: "Why do feet swell in the evening?". This feature is associated with some of the aforementioned diseases, for example, with varicose veins. The fact is that during the day the person is most of the time in an upright position, so the fluid in the body accumulates in large quantities in the legs. This is the cause of edema in the evening. During sleep, when a person is in a horizontal position, swelling becomes less noticeable or disappears altogether.

Edema is also local and common. Local edema is concentrated in a small area: a specific organ or part of the body. Common edema appears on the feet or legs, spreads over the hips, abdomen and waist, can reach the neck and face. Such edema occurs in people suffering from kidney and heart disease or consuming salt and water in large quantities, as well as taking aspirin, estrogens, steroids and vasodilators. It can be associated with negative changes in metabolism.

Swelling in pregnancy

Separately, one should consider puffiness whenpregnancy. Many women are interested in the question: "Why are pregnant women swelling?". Often the swelling of the legs is related to the amount of fluid consumed. The future mother feeds herself and the baby, so she needs more water. The woman drinks more fluids, which causes swelling of the legs. To start drinking less is not an option. The body will begin to "store" the amount of water that it receives, which in the end will again cause swelling of the legs. The fluid retention in the body of a pregnant woman is called dropsy of pregnant women. It is the cause of edema. A woman needs to consult with her doctor. He will ask for urine tests, if necessary, and will prescribe a special diet.

Also, the swelling of the legs in pregnant women may occuras a result of varicose veins of the lower extremities. In this case, most women wear special compression lingerie. He is put on in the morning, after lying down for about 20 minutes. However, go to the pharmacy and buy clothes, without consulting a doctor, it is not necessary. Pregnant women should be remembered that the swelling can seriously affect the development of pregnancy, so it can not run out and have to be treated as soon as possible.

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