How nice to lie down at home on the couch afterexhausting physical training or walking barefoot on a soft carpet in the evening after work! The only thing that darkens rest is the presence of sweat, which is unpleasant smells and spoils clothes. Probably, everyone at least once in my life wondered why my feet and hands sweat. Let's try to figure this out together.

Why feet sweat: causes

Sweating is a normal reaction to too much.warm environment. Sweat helps the body cool. That is why in the summer, in the heat, practically all of the body sweats, and in the rest of the time - those parts of the body that are heated more than others for various reasons (most often these are armpits and legs). Sweat is always unpleasant. Nevertheless, it does not always indicate that you have health problems. There is no reason to worry if you sweat:

  • After intensive sports activities;
  • In hot weather;
  • In a stressful situation;
  • After taking spicy food.

In these situations sweating is quitenormal. To get rid of sweat, you just have to follow the rules of personal hygiene. But if you sweat very often or constantly for unknown reasons, and sweating is abundant, then it's worth thinking about your health. Increased sweating is a disease that is scientifically referred to as hyperhidrosis. It causes a lot of inconvenience to a person, often puts in awkward situations. Therefore, if you are "lucky" to suffer from hyperhidrosis, do not torture yourself and recover to the doctor. The reasons for this disease can be different, and accordingly, the doctor will prescribe an individual treatment that is right for you. Here are the main causes of hyperhidrosis:

  • Heredity. Perhaps your ancestors suffered from profuse sweating. You can ask your relatives and they will tell you how they got rid of the disease.
  • Reception of medicines. It happens that taking medication causes a side effect - increased sweating.
  • Hypertension.
  • Diseases of the liver.
  • Disturbance of blood circulation.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Violation of the functionality of sweat glands.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Violation of the nervous system.

People suffering from hyperhidrosis are more likely than others to catch colds and fungal diseases, so do not delay treatment for a long time. A dermatologist and endocrinologist will help you.

Sweat legs - what to do

Why do feet sweat so much? After all, the feet sweat at every second, if not every first. Often the reason for this is tight shoes. This is especially true for women who prefer beautiful, but uncomfortable shoes, and also lovers to wear shoes for a smaller size. The skin of the legs does not breathe, a greenhouse effect is created, legs sweat, which in turn provokes the development of microorganisms. The result - in the evening feet wet and unpleasant smell. The cause of sweating of the legs can also be hyperhidrosis and the aforementioned diseases. What should I do if my feet sweat? To prevent sweating of the feet, do the following:

  • Choose high-quality and comfortable shoes.
  • If possible, wash your shoes. If you can not do this, just dry it in the evenings. It's nice to have two pairs of shoes - while today you wear one, the second one is dried, and tomorrow you do the opposite.
  • Use talcum powder, deodorants and foot creams. Often to get rid of excessive sweating stops help folk remedies.
  • Watch for the skin condition of the feet. Do not allow dirt to collect under your fingernails and remove excess rough skin with pumice or other special aids.
  • If the problem of sweating of feet seriously worries, it is not out of place to consult a doctor.

Sweat your child's legs

Many mothers are seriously concerned about whythe child is sweating feet. And really not in vain. In this issue it is very important to pay attention to the child's age. If your baby has not turned a year old, then worry about excessive sweating is not particularly worth it. The fact is that in children under the age of 1 year, the heat exchange of the body is not quite balanced yet, so violations often occur, which can occur in increased sweating. If the child does not complain and feels well, then do not worry.

If the child sweats heavily at the age of 1.5 to 2 years, this can be a worrying sign to another disease - rickets. It is important for parents to remember that a child under the age of 5 years should constantly carry out anti-cancer prevention. It is during this period that the baby's organism is most vulnerable to such a disease.

Excessive sweating in the child can also signal problems with the thyroid gland. In this case, the child should be checked with the endocrinologist.

It happens that problems with perspiration are transmittedchild by inheritance. With age, sweating can decrease, but it is good from the childhood to teach the baby to temper and properly take care of their legs.

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