It happens that in pursuit of a shapely tight bodywe go to the opposite extreme - a situation where certain muscle groups become "pumped over". Most often, the problem occurs in the legs, thighs and arms.

Let's talk about how to fix a figure, make it more harmonious and attractive.

Muscle or fat?

Worrying about too much musclethe volume of this or that part of the body, you, quite possibly, unconsciously mislead yourself. After all, if you believe the experienced trainers, in 80-90% of cases, the cause of the problem is an increased amount of subcutaneous fat (!), But not the muscles.

With maximum accuracy, determine whatspecifically consists of a snag in your case, will help a qualified specialist, for example, the same coach in the gym. You can also resort to special floor scales designed to calculate the proportion of fat in the body. However, his data will be very controversial, and even more so you will not be able to assess the presence of fat / muscle in the exciting area of ​​your body.

If you have really been actively involved in sports for a long time, having received impressive reliefs of the hands / legs / hips as a result, there are two ways out:

  • To do nothing. This is in case you, for example, for many years engaged in professional training, increased muscle. And after they left the sport for 5 years or more, leaving their body, as they say, "as is." In this case, something is unlikely to be changed.
  • Pay attention to nutrition, calories, focus on certain workouts (yes, it will be wrong to give up sports).

Let's take a closer look at the second option.

How to Get Rid of Muscle: Tips


As you know, to build muscle is requireda large amount of protein. If you want to get rid of the muscles, then you need, on the contrary, to reduce the use of products containing this element. Just remember that you should never give up protein completely!

If the matter is in excess of fat, then you should generally reconsider your eating habits. A nutritionally balanced diet that is tailor-made for your body can be formed by a nutritionist.


And in case the volumes are caused by fatsediments, and in case the cause really lies in the muscles, it will be necessary to focus on aerobic loads that burn fat well. These include:

  • run;
  • athletic walking;
  • active outdoor games;
  • riding a bike.

The second thing that will need to be paid attention isthis is strength training. Remember that when drawing up a general training program, you will not need to shift the focus from that group of muscles that you seem to be too trained to other parts of the body. On the problematic places, the load can be given and needed, but in a smaller amount.

When choosing cargo for work, give preference tosuch weights that you can raise no more than 12-18 times. This will allow you to work in the drying mode of the body. Great weight will help build muscle, the smaller will not have any effect at all.

Exercises can be very different. For example, we offer the following:

  • For hands, you can do dumbbell lifts (weight should bebe such that you can raise it no more than 12-18 times, otherwise there will be no sense from it at all). It will be enough to have 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions. Also, you can do press down on the top block - 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.
  • For the shins, jumps with a rope will be a good choice - 3 approaches 200-500 times.
  • For the buttocks, you can make attacks with dumbbells - also 3 sets of 10-15 times.

You can ask for help with special techniques like combined sets (doing exercises without rest for different muscle groups).

You can also benefit from the article How to get rid of lishek.

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