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How to raise a girl?

Women should be carried on their hands. With this statement it is difficult not to agree. If you know how to properly group, balance, using your body as a lever, raise a girl on his arm on the shoulder, not even strongly developed physically man.


It is most correct when raising a person to bringthe forearm of the right arm under the knees, and the forearm of the left under the back lifted. Her right hand should be thrown over the neck of the person being lifted. This allows you to distribute the weight of the girl evenly between your hands and transfer part of it to your back.

The capture also excludes the possibility of slippinggirls head down. First, her arm, thrown over her neck, will brake the overturning. Secondly, when it falls, a "grasping" reflex will inevitably work, preventing the neck from letting go.

Start position

Bend over, pick up the girl and straighten up sharply - the best way to tear your back. At the same time, if it was not possible to calculate the forces, you can fall even when straightening.

It will be much safer at the capture stageslightly sit down (good, the girls are usually lower than the guys) and bring her left leg behind her. So, the basic effort at straightening it is necessary not on a back, and on legs. This same maneuver will give stability.

Center of gravity

The average weight of the girl is about 50 kilograms. He, being raised to the height of his chest, is quite capable of turning both. Therefore, during lifting and during carrying it is necessary to transfer the center of gravity to the hips. To do this, it is enough to keep your legs slightly bent at the knees.

Completely straightened legs, whenrequire circumstances (posing for a photograph or a view of others), it is not worth bringing together. There you can lose stability and fall even to a strong and prepared man.


Do not put the girl on her feet, standing in fullgrowth. Descent will be more comfortable and will eliminate the likelihood of dislocations if you put forward your right foot and sit down on it. This will allow the girl to gently slide to the knee first, and then stand on her feet.

Some people with too sharp a transition fromhorizontal position in the vertical can dramatically feel dizzy or weak. Therefore, the girl's hand can be released only when it is completely clear that she is firmly on her feet.

Aesthetic moment

To lift looked easy and beautiful,it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. You should not smile at the moment of raising, as a twisted and quivering smile (and it will be just that) is a spectacle for an amateur. Lifting the girl in a short skirt, do not lift her legs too much.

If a girl has long hair, perform a gripshould be with the passing of the hand under them, which will not spoil your hair. Omitting the girl, do not strongly press his left hand to her back. This eliminates the possibility of bullying outerwear.

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