A cell phone today is both a means of communication, anda whole complex of entertainment, and a search engine, and much more, much more. With each passing day he becomes more and more perfect and progressive. But what was the first phone, and when the first phones were invented?

Let's consider a brief history of creating a telephone set.

When the phone was invented: a historical reference

The question of how you can transfer sound todistance, and whether it is even possible, was interested in many minds in the middle of the XIX century. In 1860, an immigrant from Italy Antonio Meucci showed a device in the US that could transmit sounds over wires. Antonio's drawings were acquired by Western Union, promising to continue to cooperate with him. In 1876

Meucci learned about the grandiose invention of the phoneScottish scientist Alexander Bell. Since Bell did not know enough about electricity, he took a mechanic, Thomas Watson, as his partner. The invention itself came about at random. During the next experiment, the partner did not have time to eliminate a minor accident, began to swear, and Bell heard his indignant speech, being some distance from Watson.

So the first phone was invented. After this event, the phone has undergone a lot of metamorphosis to such a state that we observe today.

When did they invent the cell phone?

In 1963 Soviet engineer Leonid Ivanovich Kupriyanovich developed the first model of a mobile phone - then he weighed about three kilograms. A year later, Kupriyanovich improved his model to 500 grams.

At the same time, specialists of the company "Motorola"think over the device of a mobile communication facility. The first inventor of the cell phone is Martin Cooper, who was the head of the communications department in this company. On April 3, 1973, Cooper, strolling through the streets of Manhattan, made the first call to Joel Engel, the head of the research department at Bell Laboratories from a competing company, to show who was ahead of whom.

Also read more about who invented the phone.

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