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Where is Kiev?

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The city, once a center of Russia, and nowIt is located in the ring of tense relations with Russia and, undoubtedly, has a rich history and traditions. This city is Kiev. About where Kiev is and what he remembered not only contemporaries, but also historians, we'll talk further.

Kiev is a city that is the capital of Ukraine andlocated almost in its center on the Dnieper River. Kiev is a green city, in which a large number of chestnuts grow. A sheet of chestnut is depicted on the coat of arms of the city.

The climate in the city is quite favorable, and summer temperatures can sometimes be observed already from April.

Kiev has a rich history, and the firstSettlements in its modern territories are referred to the copper age, which is more than 15,000 years ago. However, the city of Kiev appeared much later, and it is associated with the names of three brothers from the glade tribe.

Since the days of Kievan Rus to the present day, many historical artifacts have survived, which are worthy of seeing them.

Also you can benefit from the article What to see in Kiev.

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