On the map

Krasnodar region

Krasnodar Region is one of the subjects of the Russian Federation, which is located in the south-west. Formed in 1937, it is part of the Southern Federal District.
It has an area of ​​about 76,000 square kilometers.

Krasnodar Territory on the map

The Krasnodar region can be found on the geographicalmap, if you turn to the southwestern part of the North Caucasus. The relief is quite diverse. The Krasnodar Territory is divided into two parts, and the Kuban River divides it.

The northern part of the plain, which is located on the Kuban-Azov lowland, and the southern part has a different relief - piedmont and mountainous. Due to this, each part has its own flora and fauna.

Also, the Krasnodar Territory has a diverse climate. The most common - moderately continental, and subtropical is typical for the coast.

Krasnodar territory has borders with Rostovarea in the north-east, with the Stavropol Territory - in the east, and in the south it borders on Abkhazia. The Azov and Black seas wash the lands from the north-west and south-west.

It can be noted the Zakubansky Plain, whichis located south of the river. The Kuban. Its relief is replaced by a hilly surface and passes into the Main Caucasian Range, where there are various gorges and fast mountain rivers.

Also you can refer to the article What are the cities in the Krasnodar Territory.

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